Brave e-Sports

Total Prize Money Earned:
$43,179.83 From 15 Tournaments

Player Transfers For Brave e-Sports

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Transfer DateIDNameFormer Team New Team
2024-04-27Brazil rstLucas FrancoBrave e-Sports
2024-04-27Brazil v1NNiAlécio ViniciusBrave e-Sports
2024-03-02Brazil GLCGlauco Quirino de QueirozBrave e-Sports
2024-03-02Brazil snkWillian Pertile De OliveiraBrave e-Sports
2023-10-28Brazil rstLucas FrancoBrave e-Sports
2023-06-20Brazil GLCGlauco Quirino de QueirozBrave e-Sports
2023-06-20Brazil snkWillian Pertile De OliveiraBrave e-Sports
2023-06-20Brazil v1NNiAlécio ViniciusBrave e-Sports
2017-08-28Brazil BgobBruno GiovaneLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2017-08-28Brazil ThulzVinicius MachadoLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2017-08-23Brazil EvrotDanniel FrancoLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2017-08-23Brazil SarkisMatheus GuimarãesLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2017-08-23Brazil XabulaVictor OliveiraLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2017-05-23Brazil BgobBruno GiovaneLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2017-04-28Brazil 4LanAlanderson MeirelesLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2016-11-01Brazil 4LanAlanderson MeirelesLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2016-09-19Brazil 4LanAlanderson MeirelesLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2016-08-04Brazil zKenwayCristian ReckSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-08-04Brazil GondaumChristiano KalebeSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-08-04Brazil HeikadJoão ViniciusSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-08-04Brazil ShuatzGabriel FariasSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-08-04Brazil SpeczeraGabriel PetrusSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-08-04Brazil ySnakeMatheus MouraSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-07-18Brazil XMacalisterXVinicius NogueiraSmite (Remo Brave)Operation Kino eSports
2016-07-18Brazil YouFellWellington MedeirosSmite (Remo Brave)Operation Kino eSports
2016-07-13Brazil AvlySJulio SilvaSmite (Remo Brave)RED Canids
2016-07-12Brazil DenTTi1Bruno AlexandreSmite (Remo Brave)paiN Gaming
2016-04-27Brazil 4LanAlanderson MeirelesLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2016-04-18Brazil FreireGabriel FreireLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2016-04-12Brazil EvrotDanniel FrancoLeague of Legends (Remo Brave)
2016-04-12Brazil FreireGabriel FreireLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)League of Legends (Remo Brave)
2016-04-12Brazil SarkisMatheus GuimarãesLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)League of Legends (Remo Brave)
2016-04-12Brazil ThulzVinicius MachadoLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)League of Legends (Remo Brave)
2016-04-12Brazil XabulaVictor OliveiraLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)League of Legends (Remo Brave)
2016-04-02Brazil AvlySJulio SilvaSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-04-02Brazil DenTTi1Bruno AlexandreSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-04-02Brazil XMacalisterXVinicius NogueiraSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-04-02Brazil YouFellWellington MedeirosSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-04-02Brazil zKenwayCristian ReckSmite (Remo Brave)
2016-03Brazil TomateAlaor LeãoLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-29Argentina DEUSEsteban AsperaHeroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-29Brazil JschritteJuan SchritteHeroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-29Brazil murizzzMurillo TuchtenhagenHeroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-29Brazil TyphexMatheus SantosHeroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-29Brazil VieiraRodrigo LopesHeroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-29Brazil vlinsGabriel SennaHeroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-20Brazil betoggRoberto AlvesHeroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-20Argentina DEUSEsteban AsperaHeroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-01Brazil betoggRoberto AlvesHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)Heroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-01Brazil JschritteJuan SchritteHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)Heroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-01Brazil murizzzMurillo TuchtenhagenHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)Heroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-01Brazil TyphexMatheus SantosHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)Heroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-01Brazil VieiraRodrigo LopesHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)Heroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2016-01-01Brazil vlinsGabriel SennaHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)Heroes of the Storm (Brave e-Sports)
2015-12-20Brazil KTCHOROGuilherme HenriqueLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-12-20Brazil FreireGabriel FreireLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-12-02Brazil KTCHOROGuilherme HenriqueLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-12-02Brazil SarkisMatheus GuimarãesLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-12-02Brazil TomateAlaor LeãoLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-12Brazil DarkNessXYZ0Erick MartinsBrave e-Sports
2015-12Brazil GabrinoeLGabriel RibeiroBrave e-Sports
2015-12Brazil KeeptrollingMarcos ViniciusBrave e-Sports
2015-12Brazil OstrogosoArthur FranckeviciusBrave e-Sports
2015-12Brazil ThekillerzaoGabriel KelmBrave e-Sports
2015-12Brazil CoisonJunior MenezesSmite (Remo Brave)
2015-12Brazil DarkNessXYZ0Erick MartinsSmite (Remo Brave)
2015-12Brazil GabrinoeLGabriel RibeiroSmite (Remo Brave)
2015-12Brazil KeeptrollingMarcos ViniciusSmite (Remo Brave)
2015-12Brazil ThekillerzaoGabriel KelmSmite (Remo Brave)
2015-10-11Brazil DarkNessXYZ0Erick MartinsBrave e-Sports
2015-10-11Brazil GabrinoeLGabriel RibeiroBrave e-Sports
2015-10-11Brazil KeeptrollingMarcos ViniciusBrave e-Sports
2015-10-11Brazil OstrogosoArthur FranckeviciusBrave e-Sports
2015-10-11Brazil ThekillerzaoGabriel KelmBrave e-Sports
2015-10-07Brazil CoisonJunior MenezesSmite (Remo Brave)
2015-10-07Brazil DarkNessXYZ0Erick MartinsSmite (Remo Brave)
2015-10-07Brazil GabrinoeLGabriel RibeiroSmite (Remo Brave)
2015-10-07Brazil KeeptrollingMarcos ViniciusSmite (Remo Brave)
2015-10-07Brazil ThekillerzaoGabriel KelmSmite (Remo Brave)
2015-09Brazil EzPrinceVictor SunLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-08-22Brazil betoggRoberto AlvesHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)
2015-08-22Brazil JschritteJuan SchritteHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)
2015-08-22Brazil murizzzMurillo TuchtenhagenHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)
2015-08-22Brazil TyphexMatheus SantosHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)
2015-08-22Brazil VieiraRodrigo LopesHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)
2015-08-22Brazil vlinsGabriel SennaHeroes of the Storm (Brave Ozone)
2015-07-27Brazil RakinRafael KnittelLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-07Brazil BocaJREmerson AlencarLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-07Brazil XabulaVictor OliveiraLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-06-27Brazil RakinRafael KnittelLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-06-26Brazil bielzGabriel DallaruveraLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-06-26Brazil SássEduardo SassLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-06-03Brazil bielzGabriel DallaruveraLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-06-03Brazil BocaJREmerson AlencarLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-06-03Brazil EzPrinceVictor SunLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-06-03Brazil SássEduardo SassLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)
2015-05-29Brazil ThulzVinicius MachadoLeague of Legends (Brave e-Sports)

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