Player Rankings

Top 100 Highest Earnings At 49 Years Old

This list represents the top players in esports who won the most prize money specifically when they were 49 years old. Only players with their date of birth recorded will appear on this list.

 Player IDPlayer NameTotal (Age)Highest Paying GameTotal (Age/Game)% of Total
1.United States gkchesstigerGataulla Kamsky$10,$10,900.00100.00%
2.Russian Federation Vladimir_KramnikVladimir Kramnik$6,$6,250.00100.00%
3.United States DlugyMaxim Dlugy$1,$1,135.42100.00%
4.United States gmbenjaminfinegoldBenjamin Finegold$$575.00100.00%
5.Germany ChessexplainedChristof Sielecki$$450.00100.00%
6.Denmark SunerorlaterSune Berg Hansen$$100.00100.00%
7.Germany Michael G HerrmannMichael G Herrmann$$20.00100.00%
8.Indonesia IS_01Irwanto Sadikin$13.57Lichess$13.57100.00%
9.Italy Danilo PiazzaDanilo Piazza$$5.82100.00%
10.Indonesia hermawan71Hermawan Sutanto$1.71Lichess$1.71100.00%