- "Dr3w" - - Call of Duty Player

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Date of Birth:
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$18,616.00 From 10 Tournaments
Alternate IDs:
Dr3w, YT_Dr3w

Results by Year

$616.00 From 3 Tournaments
3.31% of Total Prize Money Earned

2022-04-202ndCollateral Gold Trios (4/20/2022)-$131.00Call of Duty: Warzone
2022-02-231stKingEsport Co-Ed Quads Customs-$335.00Call of Duty: Warzone
2022-02-141stCarry Your Valentine Co-Ed Quads Customs-$150.00Call of Duty: Warzone

$18,000.00 From 7 Tournaments
96.69% of Total Prize Money Earned

2021-10-2722nd» Twitch Rivals: Warzone Iron Trials Showdown (EU)-$250.00Call of Duty: Warzone
2021-10-032ndDFSocial Showdown-$400.00Call of Duty: Warzone
2021-09-154th» World Series Of Warzone - EU Duos-$8,000.00Call of Duty: Warzone
2021-08-0414th» World Series Of Warzone - EU Trios-$1,000.00Call of Duty: Warzone
2021-07-2024th» Twitch Rivals: CoD: Warzone Showdown EU (July 2021)-$250.00Call of Duty: Warzone
2021-06-299thToronto Ultra Warzone Canada Cup-$600.00Call of Duty: Warzone
2021-06-211st» Twitch Rivals: Warzone Showdown EU (June 2021)-$7,500.00Call of Duty: Warzone


No external sources of information are cited for the player. See tournament references for sources.