Hyun Guk "_Shiri" Shin - Age of Empires Player

Hyun Guk, Shin
Date of Birth:
Korea, Republic of
Korea, Republic of
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$2,208.49 From 1 Tournament
Alternate IDs:
amy_DaNce, GaGamel, LuxuRy_DaNce, magingar_shin, MeShil, _Shiri

Results by Game

$2,208.49 From 1 Tournament
100.00% of Total Prize Money Earned

2000-01-191stTeam-based Tournament More Info on this Earning Korean Nationals III
I managed to talk to _Shiri, some of the information came from him (Such as usernames). But otherwise, I was able to find the rest of the information from the link he sent me.


`에이지 2` 게임대회 `쉬리` 팀 우승
Last Checked 2018-05-27 12:17:14 PM