Neeb - Alex Sunderhaft

Alex "Neeb" Sunderhaft - StarCraft II Player

Alex Sunderhaft
Date of Birth:
February 17, 1998
United States
United States
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$589,720.96 From 227 Tournaments
Alternate IDs:

Earnings Compared To Other Players

Korea, Republic of title= aLiveHan, Lee Seok+$384,057.98
United States title= AriumSamson Nazaryan+$586,104.97
United States title= AstreaMax Angel+$402,716.86
United States title= BailsBailey Thomas+$576,346.41
Korea, Republic of title= BomberChoi, Ji Sung+$322,423.13
Korea, Republic of title= ByuNByun, Hyun Woo-$44,045.21
Korea, Republic of title= ClassicKim, Doh Woo+$7,533.70
Korea, Republic of title= CreatorJang, Hyun Woo+$354,247.57
United States title= CrunCherAbdulaziz Abed+$567,986.90
United States title= daisukiPeter Yoo+$585,420.96
Korea, Republic of title= DarkPark, Ryung Woo-$604,394.26
Korea, Republic of title= DearBaek, Dong Jun+$340,548.57
Russian Federation title= DewaltAndrey Belyaev+$554,029.46
Korea, Republic of title= DongRaeGuPark, Soo Ho+$229,983.87
Korea, Republic of title= fOrGGPark, Ji Soo+$349,283.33
United States title= GoswserMichael Dobler+$577,212.81
United States title= GuitarcheeseAlex Tarkoff+$585,050.96
United States title= HellokittyZifeng Wang+$585,998.30
Korea, Republic of title= herOKim, Joon Ho-$69,726.53
Korea, Republic of title= HerOSong, Hyeon Deok+$327,828.09
United States title= HitmanVictor Lin+$559,935.70
Canada title= HuKChris Loranger+$437,962.09
Korea, Republic of title= HydraShin, Dong Won+$378,425.22
Korea, Republic of title= HyuNKo, Seok Hyun+$349,146.55
United States title= IdrAGreg Fields+$512,176.09
United States title= IllusionChris Lee+$570,770.96
Korea, Republic of title= INnoVationLee, Shin Hyung-$209,471.70
United States title= InsurSky Xu+$583,904.29
Korea, Republic of title= JaedongLee, Jae Dong-$286,677.83
Korea, Republic of title= JjakjiJi, Hoon Jung+$455,803.71
United States title= JonSnowJarod George+$542,277.84
Korea, Republic of title= LeenockLee, Dong Nyoung+$256,638.40
Korea, Republic of title= LifeLee, Seung Hyun+$113,820.29
Poland title= MaNaGrzegorz Komincz+$332,526.50
Korea, Republic of title= MarineKingLee, Jung Hoon+$377,323.82
Korea, Republic of title= MaruCho, Sung Choo-$766,430.26
Korea, Republic of title= MCJang, Min Chul+$51,988.55
United States title= MinigunChad Jones+$565,801.17
Korea, Republic of title= MMAMoon, Sung Won+$172,551.79
Korea, Republic of title= MvpJung, Jong Hyun+$170,099.81
Sweden title= NaNiwaJohan Lucchesi+$410,877.27
Poland title= NerchioArtur Bloch+$213,166.88
Korea, Republic of title= NesTeaLim, Jae Duk+$301,495.89
United States title= NinaNina Qual+$494,347.63
United States title= NonYTyler Wasieleski+$569,070.96
United States title= PainUserTaylor Parsons+$585,970.96
Korea, Republic of title= PartinGWon, Lee Sak+$107,452.78
Korea, Republic of title= PatienceJo, Ji Hyun+$431,364.14
Korea, Republic of title= PoltChoi, Sung Hoon+$137,777.72
Korea, Republic of title= PuMaLee, Ho Joon+$445,007.35
United States title= qxcKevin Riley+$566,800.90
Korea, Republic of title= RainJung, Yoon Jong+$210,585.31
Canada title= ScarlettSasha Hostyn+$117,609.64
Taiwan, Republic of China title= SenYang, Chia-Cheng+$441,841.30
United States title= ShethShawn Simon+$570,054.29
Germany title= ShoWTimETobias Sieber+$196,656.88
Norway title= SnuteJens Aasgaard+$214,682.25
Korea, Republic of title= SolarKang, Min Soo-$40,024.04
Korea, Republic of title= soOEu, Yoon Su-$55,702.10
Korea, Republic of title= sOsKim, Yoo Jin-$75,728.88
Korea, Republic of title= SoulkeyKim, Min Chul+$79,162.29
Korea, Republic of title= StarDustSon, Seok Hee+$478,112.44
United States title= StateRyan Visbeck+$569,117.56
Korea, Republic of title= StatsKim, Dae Yeob-$47,944.12
France title= StephanoIlyes Satouri+$268,041.76
United States title= SuppyConan Liu+$560,111.96
Korea, Republic of title= TaeJaYoon, Young Suh+$285,991.33
United States title= theognisMichael McClelland+$584,835.25
Korea, Republic of title= TRUEBang, Tae Su+$385,816.48
Korea, Republic of title= TYJun, Tae Yang-$137,723.46
United States title= ViBEDaniel Scherlong+$551,515.58
Korea, Republic of title= viOLetKim, Dong Hwan+$401,833.78
United States title= XenociderLibo Chang+$548,225.96
Korea, Republic of title= ZestJoo, Sung Wook-$100,361.63

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