Kim "JDCR" Hyun Jin - Fighting Game Player

Kim, Hyun Jin
Date of Birth:
January 18, 1989
Korean Age:
Korea, Republic of
Korea, Republic of
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$140,799.57 From 66 Tournaments
Alternate IDs:

Earnings Compared To Other Players

United States title= AnakinHoa Luu+$15,957.97
Japan title= AoAkihiro, Abe+$46,334.41
United States title= ArisAris Bakhtanians+$139,144.66
United States title= BronsonBronson Tran+$136,625.57
Kazakhstan title= Chrono- -+$140,299.57
Kazakhstan title= Crylan- -+$140,330.77
Poland title= Devil-bufrsArtur Wleklik+$139,799.57
Italy title= DevilKaZuya83Luca Cianfa+$140,299.57
United States title= El Negro Piripicho- -+$140,394.57
United States title= FightingGMAriel Capellan+$130,154.83
Japan title= GenGenki, Kumisaka+$102,330.41
France title= GeniusNorman Chatrier+$139,503.65
Korea, Republic of title= HelpMe-, -+$136,751.37
India title= illusionistLoveneet Dogra+$138,971.95
United States title= InkogEduardo Rada+$136,299.67
France title= ivoiroakon- -+$139,799.57
United States title= JimmyjtranJimmy Tran+$93,918.65
United States title= JustFrameJamesJames Garrett+$131,538.87
Spain title= KaiperJosé María Moreno+$140,299.57
United States title= KaneDerek Lee+$137,731.07
United States title= KayyalMohammed Kayyal+$139,487.57
Finland title= KillerdollJyrke Savolainen+$138,281.45
Korea, Republic of title= KneeBae, Jae-min-$297,404.76
Denmark title= KneeninhoMark Andersen+$137,799.57
United States title= KoDeeCody Dinkins+$127,959.97
Norway title= LawOfNorwayNilesh Gosai+$140,299.57
United States title= LDZZack Janbay+$91,868.90

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