Fu "Q" Bin - Dota 2 Player

Fu, Bin
Date of Birth:
June 24, 1996
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$1,081,544.74 From 46 Tournaments
Alternate IDs:

Earnings Compared To Other Players

Sweden title= AdmiralBulldogHenrik Ahnberg+$443,357.01
China title= AgressifSun, Zheng+$210,092.53
Sweden title= AkkeJoakim Akterhall+$433,020.81
Canada title= ArteezyArtour Babaev-$1,632,825.17
Canada title= Aui_2000Kurtis Ling-$992,037.80
China title= BananaJiao, Wang-$201,578.10
China title= bLinkZhou, Yang-$879,216.85
China title= BurNIngXu, Zhilei+$184,919.39
Malaysia title= ChuaNWong, Hock Chuan+$340,128.48
Denmark title= Cr1tAndreas Nielsen-$2,041,217.77
Macao title= DDCLiang, Fa Ming-$263,176.17
Ukraine title= DendiDanil Ishutin+$254,311.37
Ukraine title= DkPhobosAlexander Kucheria+$697,969.42
Sweden title= EGMJerry Lundqvist+$403,914.66
Canada title= EternaLEnVyJacky Mao+$88,859.95
China title= FaithZeng, Hongda-$683,088.47
China title= Faith_bianZhang, Ruida-$2,826,437.24
United States title= FearClinton Loomis-$1,483,218.45
China title= FenrirLu, Chao-$324,497.51
China title= Ferrari_430Luo, Feichi+$483,667.68
Israel title= FlyTal Aizik-$1,791,025.32
Belarus title= fngArtsiom Barshak+$228,574.33
Ukraine title= Funn1kGlib Lipatnikov+$639,210.00
China title= fyXu, Linsen-$2,078,001.24
Russian Federation title= GSergey Bragin+$644,617.58
China title= garderLiu, Xinzhou+$376,008.54
China title= HaoChen, Zhihao-$680,129.79
China title= iceiceLi, Peng-$923,619.89
Singapore title= iceiceiceDaryl Koh Pei Xiang-$731,310.68
Russian Federation title= IllidanIlya Pevcaev+$693,335.25
Germany title= KuroKyKuro Takhasomi-$4,213,728.19
China title= LaNmZhang, Zhicheng-$447,855.97
Ukraine title= LilIlya Ilyuk+$146,034.56
Sweden title= LodaJonathan Berg+$376,554.79
Denmark title= MiSeRyRasmus Fillipsen-$423,576.93
China title= MMY!Lei, Zengrong-$30,341.51
United States title= MooDavid Hull+$182,233.41
Canada title= MoonMeanderDavid Tan-$22,156.87
China title= MuZhang, Pan-$309,166.97
Malaysia title= MushiChai, Yee Fung+$52,956.07
Denmark title= N0tailJohan Sundstein-$6,102,618.31
China title= NeverEndYang, Pu+$654,862.76
Sweden title= pieliedieJohan Åström+$86,798.03
United States title= ppdPeter Dager-$1,947,786.62
Estonia title= PuppeyClement Ivanov-$3,258,278.06
Ukraine title= Resolut1onRoman Fominok-$981,218.21
China title= rOtKBai, Fan+$281,312.67
Sweden title= s4Gustav Magnusson-$1,667,649.96
North Macedonia title= SaksaMartin Sazdov-$2,231,233.11
China title= SanShengWang, Zhaohui-$126,306.84
China title= ShadowChu, Zeyu-$900,486.08
China title= ShikiHuang, Jiwei+$428,030.41
China title= SomnusLu, Yao-$2,230,263.92
Pakistan title= SumaiLSumail Hassan-$3,016,844.57
China title= SuperXie, Junhao-$682,765.59
China title= SylarLiu, Jiajun-$145,352.89
United States title= UNiVeRsESaahil Arora-$1,975,692.93
Romania title= w33Aliwi Omar-$1,212,780.69
Ukraine title= XBOCTOleksandr Dashkevych+$418,886.65
China title= XiLuo, Yinqi+$783,969.61
China title= xiao8Zhang, Ning-$795,973.32
China title= XzChen, Zezhi+$389,217.32
China title= YaoYao, Zhengzheng-$110,619.44
China title= YYFJiang, Cen+$638,082.08
China title= y`Zhang, Yiping-$2,916,197.46
Sweden title= ZaiLudwig Wåhlberg-$3,211,211.28

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Last Checked 2016-10-16 12:25:45 AM