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Overall Esports Stats For February 2022

Total Prize Money: $10,197,445.68
Total Tournaments: 410
Total Active Players: 4159
Mean Tournament Prize Pool: $24,871.82
Mean Earnings/Player: $2,451.90
Median Tournament Prize Pool: $1,500.00
Median Earnings/Player: $400.00

Events of February 2022

DateNameTotal Prize
2022-02-28AAACS 2022$3,000.00
2022-02-28Alpha X Pro Series$500.00
2022-02-28compLexity Stars | HBCU Rebirth Rumble$10,000.00
2022-02-28ESL Open Cup SC2$7,200.00
2022-02-28FACEIT Pro League CS:GO$20,000.00
2022-02-28Fatshua Cup$105.00
2022-02-28FPL Challenger CS:GO$3,000.00
2022-02-28Gamers Club Liga Série A$2,494.12
2022-02-28Mave Cup$1,450.00
2022-02-28New Year Cup 2022$5,023.00
2022-02-28OGA Dota PIT Season 6$150,000.00
2022-02-28TeD Cups$3,935.00
2022-02-27AGEM Trackmania Cup$68.08
2022-02-27Aorus League 3$1,500.00
2022-02-27BacT vs PROject_Belgium Bo7 Showmatch$100.00
2022-02-27Brawlhalla OMEN Oasis Championship$50,000.00
2022-02-27Bring It On$200.00
2022-02-27Copa Pilsen 2$168.00
2022-02-27CrossFire Mobile Champions Cup 2022$31,660.00
2022-02-27Cup of the Vae$351.75
2022-02-27eggwp NA Weekly Series$150.00
2022-02-27eggwp Weekly Series$227.24
2022-02-27Elisa Open Suomi$11,270.46
2022-02-27EPIC.LAN 35$8,036.05
2022-02-27ESEA Cash Cup - Winter 2021$38,000.00
2022-02-27Grandmasters 2022 Season 1$71,700.00
2022-02-27Hyperluxe - Founder Series$1,200.00
2022-02-27IEM Season XVI - Katowice$1,500,000.00
2022-02-27King Price Royals$3,302.11
2022-02-27LCK Academy Series 2022$2,502.00
2022-02-27LVL UP EXPO 2022$7,500.00
2022-02-27Method KOTH 7$1,000.00
2022-02-27National Dutch Championship 2022$1,118.19
2022-02-27Nik's Winter Cup 2022$1,643.75
2022-02-27NSG: Winter Championship 2022 (RL)$12,000.00
2022-02-27Open Tour France 2022$1,937.95
2022-02-27Raidiant: Rocket League Series$15,000.00
2022-02-27Rapid Chess Championship 2022$60,000.00
2022-02-27Regicide Rumble 4$5,225.00
2022-02-27RLCS 2021-22 - Winter$495,000.00
2022-02-27ROPL Stars Spring 2022$3,000.00
2022-02-27The Delicious Showmatches$495.00
2022-02-27VALORANT Conquerors Championship 2022: Stage 1$30,000.00
2022-02-27VCT 2022 - Stage 1 - Challengers$127,038.87
2022-02-27VCT 2022: Game Changers$41,139.91
2022-02-27X-Cup Winter 2022$4,444.00
2022-02-26ARCREVO Japan & Korea 2021$17,315.98
2022-02-26Champions Chess Tour 2022$141,250.00
2022-02-26Coastal Mayhem 3v3 Tournament$500.00
2022-02-26Community Gaming - Rocket League$1,000.00
2022-02-26Diabotical Pro Series: February$2,675.00
2022-02-26Escaloading cup 2$113.60
2022-02-26Game Center Online 21$39.76
2022-02-26Masters Pro League - Season 1$7,840.00
2022-02-26nicecactus Weekly Cups 2v2 (RL)$204.37
2022-02-26Pinnacle Winter Series$168,000.00
2022-02-26PS4 Open Series Weekly Qualifier$400.00
2022-02-26Super SmashPoint 4$1,210.99
2022-02-26The Chain Games x Team Diverge ($15,000)$15,500.00
2022-02-26UCI Cycling Esports World Championships 2022$31,543.68
2022-02-25AORUS League - VALORANT$2,500.00
2022-02-25Dominaticus Crown Cup$200.00
2022-02-25Edelweiss Monthly Cup - February 2022$113.60
2022-02-25nicecactus Weekly Cups 1v1 (RL)$125.02
2022-02-25Only Bans$150.00
2022-02-25Penta Amateur League$1,300.00
2022-02-25Square One Tetris Championship 2022$2,563.18
2022-02-25Warcraft Survival Battle 2022$829.00
2022-02-25Xbox FanFest$1,550.00
2022-02-24Adapt Challenger Series: Season 2$235.23
2022-02-24AfreecaTV Tekken7 League 2022$2,385.60
2022-02-24Desafio Legion Fortnite$4,397.53
2022-02-24HCS 2021-2022: NA$152,000.00
2022-02-24Lunch Box$1,000.00
2022-02-24Painkillers Cup$10,000.00
2022-02-24The Brawl: 2022$2,000.00
2022-02-24Twitch Rivals - Minecraft$50,000.00
2022-02-24Wild Rift Open Latinoamerica 2022$25,000.00
2022-02-23ALTERNATE aTTaX Circuit - February 2022$290.33
2022-02-23Chapter 3 Season 1: Duos Cash Cup$136,400.00
2022-02-23FPSThailand VALORANT$4,643.82
2022-02-23HotS League: REVIVAL 6$4,150.00
2022-02-23KingEsport Co-Ed Quads Customs$2,186.00
2022-02-23nicecactus Weekly Elite$1,362.05
2022-02-23VALORANT East: United - Monthly Cup #1$1,000.00
2022-02-23Winner Stays On$2,000.00
2022-02-22Alpha X Brawler's Club$700.00
2022-02-22Barrière Speedrun Show$5,650.00
2022-02-22eFuse | eRena Community Showdown Invitational (02-22-2022)$10,000.00
2022-02-22HyperX Esports Arena: 2022$500.00
2022-02-22Rocketment Weekly$543.78
2022-02-22RSC EU - Weekly$816.52
2022-02-22SPIN: Turbo Tuesdays Season 2$400.00
2022-02-22Titled Tuesday February 2022$19,200.00
2022-02-2172 Cup Season 1$70.00
2022-02-21Jackpot Singles 8$179.00
2022-02-21Return of the Clans$300.00
2022-02-20A1 Gaming League$14,489.44
2022-02-20Burning Crusade Classic Arena Tournament 2022$100,000.00
2022-02-20CDC Asia Pacific 2022$3,000.00
2022-02-20CDC Europe 2022$55,000.00
2022-02-20CDC Latin America 2022$1,500.00
2022-02-20CDC North America 2022$55,000.00
2022-02-20DPC CN 2021-22: Season 1$100,000.00
2022-02-20DPC EEU 2021/22 Tour 1$100,000.00
2022-02-20Entou'Race 20.02.2022$16.50
2022-02-20ESL One Winter 2021$100,000.00
2022-02-20EVA Toulouse Trophy 1$1,132.00
2022-02-20Flash Ops: Experimental Card Creator Cup 2$61,140.00
2022-02-20Glitch: Infinite$10,020.00
2022-02-20Huntress Trials$2,717.83
2022-02-20Knights Arena$10,000.00
2022-02-20Masters Tour 2022 Onyxia's Lair$243,751.00
2022-02-20Mythic Cup$5,000.00
2022-02-20osu!mania 7K World Cup 2022$1,080.00
2022-02-20osu!taiko French Tournament 2022$226.33
2022-02-20Perfect World Arena Premier League Season 1$2,800.00
2022-02-20Project V: Split 1$4,475.68
2022-02-20PUBG JAPAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2022 Phase 1$43,500.00
2022-02-20Rejuvenation Cup - Season 1$19,675.00
2022-02-20Rocket League Spring Showdown$4,000.00
2022-02-20Six Invitational 2022$3,000,000.00
2022-02-20South Emperor Mafia Arena - Battle Royale Week #8$485.82
2022-02-20The Insanely Awesome CS:GO Tournament 2022$7,214.71
2022-02-20VALORANT Oceania Tour$17,944.52
2022-02-20WNS 2022 Season 1$15,000.00
2022-02-19ESPC Warzone Duos$1,000.00
2022-02-19Fair Player League Winter Tournament$200.00
2022-02-19MinuteTech's $1000 Minecraft Tournament 1$1,000.00
2022-02-19PXL Esports$100.00
2022-02-19Titled Arena February '22$2,000.00
2022-02-19Trackmania Skill Cup$568.71
2022-02-19UBCEA: Cascadia Cup 2022$1,000.00
2022-02-18Lantern Cup: China & Korea Invitational$8,363.40
2022-02-18Reign Esports Monthly: 2022$100.00
2022-02-18Uniek esports csgo 5on5 cup BLX$250.00
2022-02-17Alpha X Arena 1$200.00
2022-02-17Insomnia Egypt 2022$12,093.50
2022-02-17JoeWo's Caldera of Passion$25,000.00
2022-02-17Malta Vibes Knockout Series$50,000.00
2022-02-17Master of HyperRandom$830.00
2022-02-17The Coinbox$6,000.00
2022-02-16D2CL 2022 Season 7$50,000.00
2022-02-16MrsKnowitall Trios (2/16/2022)$1,800.00
2022-02-16OlimoLeague Invitationals$735.00
2022-02-16OpTic Texas 100K Warzone$90,000.00
2022-02-16Skyesports Grand Slam 2022$20,085.00
2022-02-15Box Fight Championship$5,000.00
2022-02-15The Warchief Club$100.00
2022-02-145E Open Cup$3,147.33
2022-02-14Carry Your Valentine Co-Ed Quads Customs$600.00
2022-02-13AOEliga: Season #4$104.94
2022-02-13Ayre Masters Series I: The Golden Cup$1,500.00
2022-02-13Battlegrounds Smash Cup Season 6$25,020.00
2022-02-13CMC - Season 2 - Grand Finals$2,090.50
2022-02-13Deathfate Pro League 3$1,672.00
2022-02-13DPC SA 2021/22 Tour 1$100,000.00
2022-02-13DPC SEA 2021/22 Tour 1$100,000.00
2022-02-13DreamLeague Season 16$100,000.00
2022-02-13Entou'Race 13.02.2022$16.50
2022-02-13ESL Challenger #48$100,000.00
2022-02-13FIFA 22 Global Series - Qualifiers$150,000.00
2022-02-13Gizmos and Gadgets: Regional Finals$20,000.00
2022-02-13Jak 2 Any%$0.00
2022-02-13Jaxi League$10,500.00
2022-02-13Kuvo OneTap Winter 2022$3,391.28
2022-02-13Localhost Fullerton LAN 2022$6,825.00
2022-02-13Madden NFL 22 Championship Series$1,000,000.00
2022-02-13Nitro League - Season X$1,838.70
2022-02-13NRG Levi's Winter Games$15,000.00
2022-02-13Robin Cup #2$583.00
2022-02-13Rocket League Quebec: St-Valentin 2022$392.56
2022-02-13SONAX Rocket League Cup$4,767.04
2022-02-13Spam of the day - 2022-02-13$284.74
2022-02-13Trackmania India Cup 5$33.40
2022-02-13Versus Gaming$3,405.03
2022-02-13WePlay Academy League$100,000.00
2022-02-12Alpha X Junior Championship$890.00
2022-02-12BadCo Blitz: 2022$300.00
2022-02-12Baltic Trackmania League: Winter 2022$307.52
2022-02-12CTWC Regionals 2022$500.00
2022-02-12Galaxy Cup Brawlhalla$200.00
2022-02-12Lidoma Series$1,000.00
2022-02-12LIK 2.Sezona$45.60
2022-02-12Maxlan Bagarre$1,134.06
2022-02-12New Year – Cup$229.00
2022-02-12NintendoVS Challenge Cup February 2022$960.00
2022-02-12Rusaoc Cup 2022$120.00
2022-02-12Slugfest at High Noon: Death Match$256.00
2022-02-12Zain Champion Boost$5,000.00
2022-02-12ZS x RJZ$500.00
2022-02-11IntoTheAlphaX Super Series$275.00
2022-02-11Rocket Benelux Monthly/Masters$273.93
2022-02-10CBA v21 Tournament 4v4$45.95
2022-02-10Sadie Hawkins Co-Ed Tournaments$10,000.00
2022-02-10UMG Emergence Days - Season 4$3,500.00
2022-02-09Chess.com Arena Kings Season 9$5,200.00
2022-02-09INDYCAR Pro Challenge$25,500.00
2022-02-08Tanza Memorial Tournament$1,000.00
2022-02-08WardiTV Team Liquid Map Contest Tournament 8$4,000.00
2022-02-07DauT vs Vinchester Bo5 Showmatch$200.00
2022-02-07EPOS Cup$157.00
2022-02-07F1 Streamer WM$11,400.00
2022-02-07Monday Night Racing Pro Series$500.00
2022-02-07Siroitora's Sightread EZ Cup2$550.00
2022-02-07TST Cracked Creators Draft$15,000.00
2022-02-062022 BMW SIM GT Cup - Road Atlanta$4,200.00
2022-02-06Asia and Oceania Trackmania Championship: Winter 2022$400.00
2022-02-06BLAST Premier 2022$177,498.00
2022-02-06Brawlhalla Winter Championship 2022$50,000.00
2022-02-06Bubba's Invitational$2,500.00
2022-02-06Entou'Race 06.02.2022$16.50
2022-02-06Festival of Fights 2022$6,480.00
2022-02-06FFL Tournaments$17,366.77
2022-02-06Free Fire Challengers Series Season 1$49,523.22
2022-02-06Haocheng New Year Cup$2,106.55
2022-02-06King of Poland$518.00
2022-02-06Plebs of Socotra: Two-Handed Swordsman division$100.00
2022-02-06Prestige Esports x Tactical Banditry: Prestige Premier$2,100.00
2022-02-06Rising Legends: Gizmos & Gadgets$5,675.00
2022-02-06Solary Cup (TrackMania)$1,133.67
2022-02-06UMG Champions$10,000.00
2022-02-06Wandering Warriors Cup$25,000.00
2022-02-05Afreeca World Invitational$200.00
2022-02-05Fragadelphia 16$1,350.00
2022-02-05La Supercopa De Vamos #1$113.40
2022-02-05Musty Monthly: 2022$300.00
2022-02-05Pixelmon Manhunt$101,500.00
2022-02-05Stakecube Esports - Turbosnow$250.00
2022-02-05The Peabnut Formal (Singles)$2,160.00
2022-02-04Beastyqt vs Szalami1 Bo7 Showmatch$200.00
2022-02-04Expo 2020 Dubai: Rocket League Invitational$2,722.94
2022-02-03Battle for Florida Spring 2022$2,000.00
2022-02-03Bee vs Beastyqt Bo7 Showmatch$250.00
2022-02-02FFBB eSports: Hoops League - S2$2,259.63
2022-02-02GamerLegion vs BF Legends 2$500.00
2022-02-02Hitch Hide 'n' Seek$25,000.00
2022-02-01All Stars Showmatch: Capoch vs Revnak$150.00
2022-02-01LG UltraGear Warzone Invitationals$6,722.80
2022-02-01PS4 Open Series January Monthly Final$1,000.00
2022-02-01WoO NOS SC CS 2021/22$25,000.00