Northeast Championship 20

Total Prize Pool:
Total Players:
2019-11-30 to 2019-12-01

Awarded Players

Prize Money By Country

1.United States United States$18,644.0054 Players
2.Armenia Armenia$2,090.001 Player
3.France France$1,554.001 Player
4.Puerto Rico Puerto Rico$660.002 Players
5.Canada Canada$150.001 Player
6.Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago$72.001 Player


Northeast Championship 20 (BB:CTB)-$240.00BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle 
Northeast Championship 20 (CvSNK2)-$60.00Capcom vs. SNK 2 
Northeast Championship 20 (DoA6)-$200.00Dead or Alive 6 
Northeast Championship 20 (DBFZ)-$450.00Dragon Ball FighterZ 
Northeast Championship 20 (GGXrdR2)-$150.00Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 
Northeast Championship 20 (KoFXIV)-$90.00King of Fighters XIV 
Northeast Championship 20 (MvCI)-$90.00Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite 
Northeast Championship 20 (MK11)-$15,900.00Mortal Kombat 11 
Northeast Championship 20 (PR:BFTG)-$100.00Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid 
Northeast Championship 20 (SamSho)-$350.00Samurai Shodown (2019) 
Northeast Championship 20 (SCII)-$190.00Soul Calibur II 
Northeast Championship 20 (SFA2)-$90.00Street Fighter Alpha 2 
Northeast Championship 20 (SFA3)-$40.00Street Fighter Alpha 3 
Northeast Championship 20 (SFIII3S)-$230.00Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike 
Northeast Championship 20 (SFV:AE)-$360.00Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition 
Northeast Championship 20 (SSBM)-$70.00Super Smash Bros. Melee 
Northeast Championship 20 (SSBU)-$440.00Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 
Northeast Championship 20 (SSFIIT)-$130.00Super Street Fighter II Turbo 
Northeast Championship 20 (T7)-$900.00Tekken 7 
Northeast Championship 20 (UMvC3)-$100.00Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 
Northeast Championship 20 (UNIEL)-$180.00Under Night In-Birth EXE: Late[st] 
Northeast Championship 20 (VS)-$80.00Vampire Savior 
Northeast Championship 20 (WJ)-$200.00Windjammers 
Northeast Championship 20 (PTDX)-$310.00Pokkén Tournament DX 
Northeast Championship 20 (SCVI)-$2,220.00Soul Calibur VI