Twitch Rivals 2024: Hunt & Run w/ IlloJuan, ft. Minecraft

2024-01-22 to
Prize Pool:
USD - US Dollar

Event Details Players: 200 Players 4-Day Event Game: Minecraft Format Day 1 - The Harvest Trial # 1 Survival Exploration & Adaptation Phase Test: Evaluation Phase Same format for every trial Trial # 2 Agility and Risk Trial # 3 Aim Trial # 4 Combat Day 2 - Bloodbath Day 2 begins with PVP enabled for 5 minutes, then it deactivates. 1 hour later it is reactivated for open PvP. 15 minutes before closing, PvP is deactivated again

Main Game Start

Gentleman's agreements begins ( PvP Disabled) Gentleman's agreements ends ( PvP Disabled) Monument Opening is announced and its location is revealed Gentleman's agreements is enabled ( PvP Disabled) Server closed Day 3 - Forgotten Secrets PvP Begins deactivated It will be activated after 20 minutes 15 minutes before closing PvP is deactivated Main Game Start Gentleman's agreements begins ( PvP Disabled) Gentleman's agreements ends ( PvP Disabled) Monument Opening is announced and its location is revealed Gentleman's agreements is enabled ( PvP Disabled) Server closed Day 4 - Hunt & Run PvP Begins deactivated

It will be activated after 20 minutes

15 minutes before closing PvP is deactivated

Main Game Start

Gentleman's agreements begins ( PvP Disabled) Gentleman's agreements ends ( PvP Disabled) Monument Opening is announced and its location is revealed Gentleman's agreements is enabled ( PvP Disabled) Server closed Battle Royale

Each day players will be eliminated until only one remains. Trials

Trials will take place on the first day, it will work as a tutorial for all the participants. Challenges

Day 2 through Day 4, this will be activated and will reward a prize once it’s completed. Prizing $100,000 USD Total 1st Place Prizing = $100,000 USD (winner take all)

Tournament Results


Prize Money By Country

1.United States United States$100,000.001 Player


2.Dead Link
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Last Checked 2024-02-29 1:24:52 PM
Last Checked 2024-02-05 3:27:37 AM