NA ONLY - 3v3 Diabotical Macguffin. GetCracked! tournament. Game Type: Macguffin Team size : 3v3 (only registered teammates) 4player max for sub. DOUBLE ELM. Bo3 | LOSER Bracket Bo1 (LB Finals: Bo3).(map score default). Grand Finals: Best-of-3. If LB wins. bracket is reset to another Bo3(LB has to win twice). WB has to win once. MAP POOL: Marina and Sunken. Maps will be set and rotate each round. Next map in the rotation is the tiebreaker.
Tournament Results
Prize Money By Country
1. | United States | $493.75 | 19 Players |
2. | Canada | $6.25 | 1 Player |
NA 3v3 Macguffin Tourney - This Sunday at 5pm eastern : Diabotical
Last Checked 2020-09-02 9:14:05 PM
NA 3v3 Macguffin Tourney - This Sunday at 5pm eastern : Diabotical
Last Checked 2020-09-02 9:14:05 PM
GetCracked! 3v3 Macguffin | Toornament - The esports technology
Last Checked 2020-09-02 9:13:05 PM
GetCracked! 3v3 Macguffin | Toornament - The esports technology
Last Checked 2020-09-02 9:13:05 PM
Get Cracked! (@GetCrackedDBT) | Twitter (Redirected to
Last Checked 2020-09-02 9:13:36 PM
Get Cracked! (@GetCrackedDBT) | Twitter (Redirected to
Last Checked 2020-09-02 9:13:36 PM