G7 ARMS Online
Prize Pool:
USD - US Dollar
G7 is entering into ARMS! Partnering with Fellows in ARMS, this major ARMS tournament will offer free entry and a $500 USD prize pool bonus.
Winners will get 60% of the prize pool, with prizes guaranteed to top 8.
There's no reason not to enter!
The stream will be brought to you by those at Fellows in ARMS! The premiere ARMS tournament hosts and streamers, they are leading the small ARMS community to a big future.
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/FellowsInARMS
Discord: https://discord.io/g7series
Tournament Results
Prize Money By Country
1. | United States | $760.00 | 4 Players |
2. | Canada | $220.00 | 2 Players |
3. | China | $10.00 | 1 Player |
4. | Germany | $10.00 | 1 Player |
G7 ARMS Online | Details
Last Checked 2018-03-04 1:56:17 PM
G7 ARMS Online | Details
Last Checked 2018-03-04 1:56:17 PM
G7 Series on Twitter: "Thanks to a very generous donation, the prize pool for G7 ARMS Series has risen from $500 to $1000! Free
Last Checked 2018-03-04 1:56:24 PM
G7 Series on Twitter: "Thanks to a very generous donation, the prize pool for G7 ARMS Series has risen from $500 to $1000! Free
Last Checked 2018-03-04 1:56:24 PM
G7 Top 8 - AotN | Serperior vs EMP | Steelhead (Winner Semi Finals) - YouTube
Last Checked 2018-03-04 1:56:56 PM
G7 Top 8 - AotN | Serperior vs EMP | Steelhead (Winner Semi Finals) - YouTube
Last Checked 2018-03-04 1:56:56 PM