Robin "flusha" Rönnquist - Counter-Strike 2 Player

Robin Rönnquist
Date of Birth:
August 12, 1993
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$888,552.89 From 191 Tournaments
Alternate IDs:
flusha, fnatic flusha, fnatic flusha * Kinguin, hGh flusha=DDD

Earnings Compared To Other Players

Kazakhstan title= AdreNDauren Kystaubayev+$441,653.59
Finland title= alluAleksi Jalli+$450,974.92
Ukraine title= ANGE1Kyrylo Karasov+$584,267.87
France title= apEXDan Madesclaire-$827,712.75
Canada title= AZKKeven Lariviere+$830,422.63
Sweden title= BARBARRAndre Möller+$820,713.38
Sweden title= bergAndré Kjellberg+$879,263.68
United States title= braxBraxton Pierce+$794,143.88
Poland title= byaliPaweł Bieliński+$305,063.38
Denmark title= cajunbRenè Borg+$465,208.09
Netherlands title= chrisJChristiaan de Jong+$279,828.57
Brazil title= coldzeraMarcelo David-$175,314.86
Sweden title= cypeIsak Rydman+$876,628.68
United States title= DaZeDSam Marine+$846,076.85
United States title= deeDavid Ngo+$886,719.57
Sweden title= DelpanMarcus Larsson+$844,544.10
Sweden title= dennisDennis Edman+$515,270.65
Denmark title= dev1ceNicolai Reedtz-$1,172,362.09
Sweden title= devilwalkJonatan Lundberg+$847,859.60
Sweden title= disco doplanJoakim Gidetun+$782,565.26
Russian Federation title= DosiaMikhail Stolyarov+$554,017.19
Sweden title= drakenWilliam Sundin+$682,239.98
Denmark title= dupreehPeter Rasmussen-$1,336,972.19
Ukraine title= EdwardIoann Sukharev+$166,934.65
Belgium title= Ex6TenZKévin Droolans+$709,274.54
Sweden title= f0restPatrik Lindberg+$124,561.85
Brazil title= FalleNGabriel Toledo-$365,112.90
Brazil title= ferFernando Alvarenga-$190,338.63
Denmark title= FeTiShHenrik Christensen+$848,017.92
Sweden title= FifflarenRobin Johansson+$764,080.34
Russian Federation title= flamieEgor Vasilyev-$153,303.94
Brazil title= fnxLincoln Lau+$455,237.71
United States title= fREAKAZOiDRyan Abadir+$780,184.03
Sweden title= freddiebFredrik Buö+$784,220.20
Sweden title= fribergAdam Friberg+$455,733.36
Sweden title= GeT_RiGhTChristopher Alesund+$262,081.13
Denmark title= gla1veLukas Rossander-$1,038,950.14
Slovakia title= GuardiaNLadislav Kovács+$75,614.71
France title= HappyVincent Schopenhauer+$392,009.59
France title= HaRtsMichael Zanatta+$850,148.73
United States title= hikoSpencer Martin+$652,306.71
Sweden title= julianoJulia Kiran+$786,698.42
Sweden title= JWJesper Wecksell-$40,698.19
Denmark title= karriganFinn Andersen-$1,169,149.73
France title= kennySKenny Schrub+$142,461.53
France title= KIOSHIMAFabien Fiey+$509,507.30
Denmark title= KjaerbyeMarkus Kjærbye+$261,655.96
Sweden title= KRiMZFreddy Johansson-$124,509.01
Russian Federation title= kUcheREmil Akhundov+$819,125.52
Sweden title= Lekr0Jonas Olofsson+$385,349.60
Sweden title= MaikeleleMikail Bill+$747,141.10
Switzerland title= ManiacMathieu Quiquerez+$818,214.96
Ukraine title= markeloffYegor Markelov+$718,900.44
Spain title= mixwellOscar Cañellas Colocho+$563,375.54
Sweden title= moddiiAndreas Fridh+$699,928.01
Denmark title= MSLMathias Lauridsen+$537,195.25
United States title= n0thingJordan Gilbert+$589,764.08
Canada title= NAFKeith Markovic-$408,629.17
France title= NBKNathan Schmitt+$18,402.62
Poland title= neoFilip Kubski+$126,241.16
Sweden title= olofmeisterOlof Kajbjer-$52,302.53
Poland title= pashaBicepsJarosław Jarząbkowski+$263,487.74
Sweden title= PlesseNNiclas Plessen+$804,219.17
Sweden title= pronaxMarkus Wallsten+$653,481.63
Sweden title= pythJacob Mourujärvi+$737,363.87
Sweden title= REZFredrik Sterner+$399,249.20
United States title= RushWill Wierzba+$248,376.02
Belgium title= ScreaMAdil Benrlitom+$545,878.78
United States title= seangaresSean Gares+$754,531.80
Russian Federation title= seizedDenis Kostin+$510,923.90
Canada title= semphisKory Friesen+$813,916.04
France title= shoxRichard Papillon+$34,248.90
Canada title= shroudMichael Grzesiek+$593,177.16
France title= SIXERChristophe Xia+$586,275.59
United States title= SkadoodleTyler Latham+$419,402.87
Sweden title= SKYTTENAlexander Carlsson+$872,898.58
France title= SmithZzEdouard Dubourdeaux+$587,422.77
Poland title= snaxJanusz Pogorzelski-$32,791.23
Canada title= stanislawPeter Jarguz+$355,832.17
Ukraine title= starixSergey Ishuk+$744,967.09
Brazil title= TACOEpitácio de Melo-$207,608.59
United States title= tarikTarik Celik+$91,213.68
Poland title= TaZWiktor Wojtas+$142,753.87
Sweden title= twistSimon Eliasson+$587,011.08
Sweden title= xelosJerry Råberg+$854,425.94
Sweden title= XiztRichard Landström+$339,038.90
Denmark title= Xyp9xAndreas Højsleth-$1,114,508.94
Sweden title= zAAzZainab Turkie+$801,887.04
Sweden title= zendeErik Sundeqvist+$878,659.38
Ukraine title= ZeusDanylo Teslenko+$95,967.02
Sweden title= znajderAndreas Lindberg+$805,684.56

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flusha: "You can basically predict the top four already" | Nyhet | Counter-Strike |
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flusha - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
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Epsilon eSports & CSGO split amicably | News - EPSILON ESPORTS
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4. Gfinity Masters 2015: Interview with Flusha
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CS:GO News: Flusha caught in cheating allegations | GosuGamers
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Esport Index Counter-Strike player: Robin 'flusha' Ronnquist | SK Gaming
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fnatic - KnifeRound, the CS:GO wiki
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Hello everyone, i am going to talk a bit... - Robin "flusha" Rönnquist | Facebook
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fnatic.Flusha: The Interview :: News :: Gfinity
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