Arthur "Status" Bageian - Vainglory Player

Arthur Bageian
Date of Birth:
April 15, 1998
United States
United States
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$5,124.99 From 5 Tournaments
Alternate IDs:
Status, Statusbaked

Results by League

$3,333.33 From 1 Tournament
65.04% of Total Prize Money Earned

2016-12-043rdTeam-based Tournament » Vainglory World Championship 2016-$3,333.33Vainglory

Independent Tournaments
$1,791.66 From 4 Tournaments
34.96% of Total Prize Money Earned

2017-04-308thTeam-based Tournament Vainglory 8 North America Spring 2017 - Split 2-$500.00Vainglory
2016-12-282ndTeam-based Tournament VIS Autumn 2016-$333.33Vainglory
2016-09-043rd-4thTeam-based Tournament North America 2016 Summer Live Championship-$833.33Vainglory
2016-06-057th-8thTeam-based Tournament North America 2016 Spring Live Championship-$125.00Vainglory


No external sources of information are cited for the player. See tournament references for sources.