Shang "DPower" Po Hung - VALORANT Player

Shang, Po Hung
Date of Birth:
Taiwan, Republic of China
Taiwan, Republic of China
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$820.06 From 2 Tournaments
Alternate IDs:

Results by Game

$797.48 From 1 Tournament
97.25% of Total Prize Money Earned

2016-09-122ndTeam-based Tournament OverWatch Competition Cyber TourNT$25,000.00$797.48

$22.58 From 1 Tournament
2.75% of Total Prize Money Earned

2020-07-043rd-4thTeam-based Tournament CGA Pacific Open - Taiwan QualifierNT$666.67$22.58


No external sources of information are cited for the player. See tournament references for sources.