Earnings Compared To Other Players
Check | Lee, Hyung Joo | -$97,924.26 |
EvenStar | Lee, Jae Park | +$3,295.12 |
FarSeer | Ui, Hong Won | +$14,632.88 |
FoCuS | Eom, Hyo Sub | -$201,374.42 |
FoV | Cho, Dae Hui | -$38,004.47 |
FreeDom | Jang, Yong Seok | -$470.80 |
GoStop | Kim, Dong Moon | -$24,048.46 |
Jini | Lee, Jin Sung | +$15,302.64 |
LawLiet | Jo, Ju Yeon | -$212,271.99 |
Lucifer | Noh, Jae Wook | -$89,923.76 |
Lyn | Park, Joon | -$649,339.77 |
Moon | Jang, Jae Ho | -$763,464.84 |
ReiGn | Kang, Seo Woo | -$15,235.77 |
ReMinD | Kim, Sung Sik | -$166,434.76 |
ReprisaL | Lee, Jong Seok | +$4,126.99 |
Shy | Park, Chul Woo | +$6,216.65 |
SocceR | Yoon, Deok Man | -$9,600.14 |
SoJu | Lee, Seong Deok | -$21,996.58 |
Space | Park, Sueng Hyun | +$14,592.24 |
Storm | Kim, Jae Woong | +$12,064.08 |
Susiria | Oh, Jung Ki | -$5,917.23 |
Sweet | Chun, Jung Hee | -$75,655.06 |
viOLet | Kim, Dong Hwan | -$168,792.59 |
WhO | Chang, Du Seop | -$6,800.55 |
WinNerS | Kim, Jin Woo | -$8,150.53 |
Zacard | Hwang, Tae-min | -$20,565.81 |
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Esport Index Warcraft III player: Park 'ShowBu' Se Ryong | SK Gaming
Last Checked 2014-11-10 7:00:17 PM
Esport Index Warcraft III player: Park 'ShowBu' Se Ryong | SK Gaming
Last Checked 2014-11-10 7:00:17 PM