Daryl Koh "iceiceice" Pei Xiang - Dota 2 Player

Daryl Koh Pei Xiang
Date of Birth:
June 17, 1990
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$1,812,855.42 From 111 Tournaments
Alternate IDs:
DK.iceiceice.DouYuTV, FXOiceiceice, iceiceice, zEn|†h`iceiceice

Earnings Compared To Other Players

Singapore title= 4Head- -+$1,812,225.39
China title= 820Zou, Yitian+$1,738,107.47
Sweden title= AdmiralBulldogHenrik Ahnberg+$1,174,667.69
China title= AgressifSun, Zheng+$941,403.21
Sweden title= AkkeJoakim Akterhall+$1,164,116.72
Ukraine title= alwayswannaflyAndrii Bondarenko+$1,442,813.97
Russian Federation title= ARS-ARTSergey Revin+$1,723,133.86
Canada title= ArteezyArtour Babaev-$901,514.49
Ukraine title= ArtStyleIvan Antonov+$1,448,284.71
Canada title= Aui_2000Kurtis Ling-$260,727.12
Singapore title= baboWong Weiquan+$1,811,955.42
China title= BananaJiao, Wang+$529,732.58
China title= bLinkZhou, Yang-$147,906.17
China title= BurNIngXu, Zhilei+$916,230.07
Singapore title= ChainsWei Sheng Tan+$1,806,890.86
Singapore title= ChawyWong, Xing Lei+$1,714,924.08
Singapore title= Chibix33Joel Chan Jian Yong+$1,806,287.10
Malaysia title= ChuaNWong, Hock Chuan+$1,071,439.16
Denmark title= Cr1tAndreas Nielsen-$1,386,573.76
Singapore title= daFa- -+$1,811,755.42
China title= DDXie, Bin+$1,609,357.41
Macao title= DDCLiang, Fa Ming+$468,134.51
United States title= DeMoNJimmy Ho+$1,609,744.25
Ukraine title= DendiDanil Ishutin+$984,772.89
Singapore title= DethYang, Wu Heng+$1,639,089.47
Ukraine title= DkPhobosAlexander Kucheria+$1,429,280.10
Sweden title= EGMJerry Lundqvist+$1,135,225.34
Sweden title= EraAdrian Kryeziu+$1,625,957.12
Canada title= EternaLEnVyJacky Mao+$820,170.63
China title= FaithZeng, Hongda+$48,222.21
China title= Faith_bianZhang, Ruida-$2,103,126.56
United States title= FearClinton Loomis-$752,049.21
China title= FenrirLu, Chao+$406,813.17
China title= Ferrari_430Luo, Feichi+$1,214,978.36
Singapore title= FiXeRsLeow, Chen Kai+$1,807,261.18
Israel title= FlyTal Aizik-$1,061,714.64
Belarus title= fngArtsiom Barshak+$959,735.01
Ukraine title= Funn1kGlib Lipatnikov+$1,369,320.68
China title= fyXu, Linsen-$1,346,690.56
Russian Federation title= GSergey Bragin+$1,375,737.11
China title= garderLiu, Xinzhou+$1,107,319.22
Germany title= H4nn1Kai Hanbueckers+$1,737,468.36
Singapore title= HanaPaul Tan Ke Da+$1,803,327.13
China title= HaoChen, Zhihao+$51,180.89
Singapore title= hyhyLim, Han Yong+$1,761,390.37
China title= iceiceLi, Peng-$192,309.21
Russian Federation title= IllidanIlya Pevcaev+$1,424,045.93
Singapore title= KaiTeo Kai Sheng+$1,810,705.42
China title= KingJZhou, Yang+$1,728,644.81
Singapore title= KsAng Kok Sin+$1,811,655.42
Germany title= KuroKyKuro Takhasomi-$3,482,843.43
Malaysia title= kYxYLee, Kong Yang+$1,663,374.16
China title= LaNmZhang, Zhicheng+$283,454.71
Russian Federation title= LighTofHeaveNDmitriy Kupriyanov+$1,532,965.77
Ukraine title= LilIlya Ilyuk+$872,345.24
Sweden title= LodaJonathan Berg+$1,107,650.70
China title= LongDDHuang, Xiang+$1,748,788.33
Singapore title= LubbyChan Jun Jie+$1,808,254.55
Ukraine title= Mag~Andrey Chipenko+$1,657,335.21
Singapore title= MeenTeo Kai Sheng+$1,810,354.55
Singapore title= MeracleGalvin Kang Jian Wen+$1,746,001.90
Denmark title= MiSeRyRasmus Fillipsen+$307,657.68
China title= MMY!Lei, Zengrong+$700,969.17
United States title= MooDavid Hull+$913,544.09
Canada title= MoonMeanderDavid Tan+$709,153.81
China title= MuZhang, Pan+$422,143.71
Malaysia title= MushiChai, Yee Fung+$784,266.75
Singapore title= MusicaJustin Yuen+$1,797,866.61
Denmark title= N0tailJohan Sundstein-$5,371,307.63
Malaysia title= NetLim, Wai Pern+$1,655,330.07
Singapore title= NutZWong, Jeng Yih+$1,581,687.77
Malaysia title= OhaiyoKhoo, Chong Xin+$1,226,838.90
Sweden title= pieliedieJohan Åström+$818,108.71
Singapore title= PolosonWilson Koh Chin Wei+$1,724,108.55
United States title= ppdPeter Dager-$1,216,475.94
Estonia title= PuppeyClement Ivanov-$2,529,372.96
China title= QFu, Bin+$731,310.68
China title= QQQYao, Yi+$1,690,275.39
United Kingdom title= RabbitVN- -+$1,812,576.05
Ukraine title= Resolut1onRoman Fominok-$250,307.53
China title= rOtKBai, Fan+$1,012,623.35
Singapore title= RoyRoyston, Chee Jin Sheng+$1,782,526.32
Sweden title= s4Gustav Magnusson-$936,339.28
North Macedonia title= SaksaMartin Sazdov-$1,694,922.43
China title= SanShengWang, Zhaohui+$605,003.84
China title= ShadowChu, Zeyu-$169,175.40
China title= ShikiHuang, Jiwei+$1,159,341.09
Russian Federation title= SilentAirat Gaziev+$1,487,865.13
Netherlands title= SingSingWeh Sing Yuen+$1,592,281.39
Russian Federation title= SoloAleksey Berezin-$225,225.92
China title= SomnusLu, Yao-$1,498,953.24
Pakistan title= SumaiLSumail Hassan-$2,307,200.56
China title= SuperXie, Junhao+$48,545.09
China title= SylarLiu, Jiajun+$585,957.79
Finland title= TrixiKalle Saarinen+$1,708,199.95
Singapore title= TudiYaowen Teo+$1,804,119.77
United States title= UNiVeRsESaahil Arora-$1,244,382.25
Romania title= w33Aliwi Omar-$481,470.01
Singapore title= WarnutzWong Jeng Yih+$1,810,398.22
Ukraine title= XBOCTOleksandr Dashkevych+$1,149,697.33
Singapore title= xFreedomKelvin, Ileto Lim+$1,798,800.34
China title= XiLuo, Yinqi+$1,515,280.29
China title= xiao8Zhang, Ning-$64,662.64
Malaysia title= XtinctJoel Chan Zhan Leong+$1,718,670.28
Singapore title= xyToh, Wai Hong+$1,716,954.70
China title= XzChen, Zezhi+$1,120,528.00
China title= YaoYao, Zhengzheng+$620,691.24
Singapore title= YsaeraAdrian Rui Wui Hong+$1,759,591.46
China title= YYFJiang, Cen+$1,369,392.76
China title= y`Zhang, Yiping-$2,192,886.78
Sweden title= ZaiLudwig Wåhlberg-$2,479,900.60
China title= ZhouChen, Yao+$1,521,996.87

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