Earnings Compared To Other Players
aMaZe | Andrew McClure | -$307.24 |
Bissell | Sam Bissell | -$3,796.69 |
Crazy | Harri Lye | -$377.64 |
Flux | Ryan Oldfield | -$6,988.80 |
Gunshy | Thomas Jones | -$75,715.21 |
Jake | Jake Dalton | -$5,145.12 |
Joshh | Joshua-Lee Shephard | -$210,190.36 |
KyLee | Kyle McCallum | +$48.68 |
Legend | Jonny Gutteridge | +$625.00 |
Luke | Luke Edwards | +$184.38 |
MadCat | Dylan Dally | -$205,368.19 |
MarkyB | Mark Bryceland | -$61,408.22 |
Momo | Philip Whitfield | -$820.79 |
Monksy | Ryan Monks | -$4,924.21 |
Peatie | Adam Peate | -$94,879.97 |
Rich | Richard Cook | -$5,888.16 |
Robz | Joe Roberts | -$197.67 |
ShAnE | Shane McKerral | -$50,422.55 |
Sowerz | Ashley Sowersby | -$1,419.49 |
Swanny | Callum Swan | -$91,128.98 |
Tommey | Thomas Trewren | -$638,968.50 |
VintaGe | Ben Walker | -$2,370.61 |
Xanity | Jay Bajwe | -$2,352.55 |
XLNC | Nicholas Ward | -$71,356.12 |
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Esport Index Call of Duty player: Jordan 'MeLo' Riley | SK Gaming
Last Checked 2015-05-17 3:02:27 AM
Esport Index Call of Duty player: Jordan 'MeLo' Riley | SK Gaming
Last Checked 2015-05-17 3:02:27 AM