Earnings Compared To Other Players
Ace | Aaron Elam | -$287,775.00 |
APG | Bradley Laws | -$384,662.50 |
BlackJack | Jack Lewis | +$66,227.36 |
Bubu Dubu | Jesse Moeller | -$158,018.75 |
BUK 20 | Alex Buck | +$51,171.05 |
BUK 57 | Will Buck | +$52,468.32 |
Calm | Justin Mozingo | +$18,987.50 |
Chalkie | Jake White | +$58,011.26 |
Commonly | Hamza Abbaali | +$24,562.50 |
ContrA | Cody Szczodrowski | +$2,912.50 |
Cratos | Carlos Ayala | -$74,112.50 |
CreepeazY | Kyle Thompson | +$73,123.34 |
Deadzone | Zane Hearon | -$437,137.50 |
Doodle | Daniel Petersen | +$69,417.35 |
Dragoniak | Raúl Pichardo | +$72,912.50 |
Dualitat | Sebastian Cebado | +$73,262.50 |
Eco | Kevin Smith | -$610,012.50 |
eL TowN | Visal Mohanan | -$84,862.50 |
Elioh | Elias Alvarado | +$73,262.50 |
Frosty | Bradley Bergstrom | -$908,702.50 |
Heinz | Richie Heinz | -$40,900.00 |
Huke | Cuyler Garland | -$817,923.08 |
Jimbo | James Bradbrook | -$14,264.41 |
Kimbo | Robby El-Zein | +$31,881.25 |
Lethul | Tony Campbell | -$707,508.75 |
Lunchbox | Jason Brown | -$138,817.50 |
Lunny | Casey Lunn | +$60,803.63 |
Mikwen | Austin McCleary | -$87,134.40 |
Mose | Luciano Calvanico | +$36,424.84 |
Naded | Brett Leonard | -$134,171.31 |
Ninja | Tyler Blevins | -$202,060.79 |
Pistola | Justin Deese | -$316,572.50 |
Ramirez | Andrew Corrigan | +$50,801.77 |
Rayne | Timothy Tinkler | -$110,362.50 |
Respectful | Brandon Stones | +$16,880.20 |
Riotz | Max Cottle | +$56,103.60 |
Roy | Justin Brown | -$130,845.83 |
Royal 2 | Mathew Fiorante | -$858,790.00 |
Shooter | Ryan Sondhi | +$18,725.00 |
SnakeBite | Paul Duarte | -$887,927.50 |
Snakey | Arkel Brown | +$59,309.10 |
Snip3down | Eric Wrona | -$458,339.34 |
Snip3drone | Michael Juchau | -$3,578.12 |
Spartan | Tyler Ganza | -$90,725.00 |
StelluR | Braedon Boettcher | -$595,412.50 |
Suspector | Ayden Hill | -$92,537.50 |
Swift Kill | Alex Ramirez | +$19,737.50 |
TuFoxy | Perry Kenyon | +$26,821.33 |
Victory X | Cameron Thorlakson | -$52,480.89 |
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Last Checked 2016-03-20 6:12:52 AM
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Last Checked 2016-03-20 6:12:52 AM