Marvin "M4rv" Hintz - FIFA Player

Marvin Hintz
Date of Birth:
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$28,628.70 From 28 Tournaments
Alternate IDs:

Results by Year

$4,000.00 From 2 Tournaments
13.97% of Total Prize Money Earned

2019-07-1433rd-64th» FIFA Global Series 2019 - Berlin (PS4)-$500.00FIFA 19
2019-01-279th-16th» FUT Champions Cup 2019 - Bucharest-$3,500.00FIFA 19

$20,079.85 From 4 Tournaments
70.14% of Total Prize Money Earned

2018-08-225th» ESL Sommermeisterschaft 2018 (FIFA 18)€500.00$579.85FIFA 18
2018-06-032nd» FIFA Global Series 2018 - Amsterdam (PS4)-$16,000.00FIFA 18
2018-04-1533rd-64th» FUT Champions Cup 2018 - Manchester-$1,000.00FIFA 18
2018-01-289th-16th» FUT Champions Cup 2018 - Barcelona - PS4 Division-$2,500.00FIFA 18

$293.80 From 1 Tournament
1.03% of Total Prize Money Earned

2017-12-169th» ESL Wintermeisterschaft 2017 - Division 1 (FIFA18)€250.00$293.80FIFA 18

$1,729.35 From 4 Tournaments
6.04% of Total Prize Money Earned

2016-11-262nd» ESL Wintermeisterschaft 2016 (FIFA 16)€900.00$953.39FIFA 16
2016-08-275th-8th» ESL Sommermeisterschaft 2016 (FIFA)€200.00$223.92FIFA 16
2016-05-075th-8th» ESL Frühlingsmeisterschaft 2016 (FIFA)€200.00$228.10FIFA 16
2016-01-245th-6th» AMD FIFA Ultimate Challenge€300.00$323.94FIFA 16

$1,433.07 From 12 Tournaments
5.01% of Total Prize Money Earned

2015-12-062nd» ESL Wintermeisterschaft 2015 (FIFA)€350.00$380.49FIFA 16
2015-10-202nd» ESL Wintermeisterschaft 2015 FIFA Cup #2€40.00$45.39FIFA 16
2015-10-132nd» ESL Wintermeisterschaft 2015 FIFA Cup #1€40.00$45.43FIFA 16
2015-08-231st» Go4FIFA EU #29 (FIFA 15, PS4)€50.00$56.94FIFA 15
2015-08-093rd-4th» ESL Sommermeisterschaft 2015 (FIFA)€150.00$164.49FIFA 15
2015-06-232nd» ESL Sommermeisterschaft 2015 FIFA Cup #3€40.00$44.66FIFA 15
2015-06-162nd» ESL Sommermeisterschaft 2015 FIFA Cup #2€40.00$44.99FIFA 15
2015-06-091st» ESL Sommermeisterschaft 2015 FIFA Cup #1€80.00$90.22FIFA 15
2015-05-101st» Go4FIFA EU #14 (FIFA 15, PS4)€50.00$56.12FIFA 15
2015-05-022nd» ESL Frühlingsmeisterschaft 2015 (FIFA)€350.00$392.04FIFA 15
2015-03-313rd-4th» ESL Frühlingsmeisterschaft 2015 FIFA Cup #5€20.00$21.57FIFA 15
2015-02-241st» ESL DBG Frühlings-Saison 2015 FIFA Cup #1€80.00$90.73FIFA 15

$474.60 From 3 Tournaments
1.66% of Total Prize Money Earned

2014-08-133rd-4th» EPS Germany: Summer 2014 (FIFA14)€150.00$201.08FIFA 14
2014-05-11WIN» ZOTAC Cup FIFA14 #216€100.00$137.32FIFA 14
2014-01-26WIN» ZOTAC Cup FIFA14 #201€100.00$136.20FIFA 14

$618.03 From 2 Tournaments
2.16% of Total Prize Money Earned

2013-12-152nd» EPS Germany: Winter 2013 (FIFA14)€350.00$480.97FIFA 14
2013-12-01WIN» ZOTAC Cup FIFA14 #195€100.00$137.06FIFA 14


M4RV joins Team Acer FIFA - Team Acer
Last Checked 2016-01-26 6:50:22 AM