One Nation of Gamers

Prize Money Awarded:
$8,000.00 From 2 Tournaments
Recorded Date Range:
2012-01-28 to

Top Player Rankings from Korea, Republic of for One Nation of Gamers

 Player IDPlayer NameTotal (League)Total (Overall)% of Total
1.Korea, Republic of SwaggerShin, Sang Ho$1,000.00$27,392.043.65%
2.Korea, Republic of viOLetKim, Dong Hwan$225.00$187,887.180.12%
3.Korea, Republic of aLiveHan, Lee Seok$150.00$205,662.980.07%
4.Korea, Republic of GoldenCho, Myung Hwan$75.00$38,951.370.19%
5.Korea, Republic of RainPark, Seo Yong$75.00$36,043.760.21%
6.Korea, Republic of SleepKim, Seong Han$75.00$25,480.130.29%