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Overall Esports Stats For 2014

Total Prize Money: $38,068,426.60
Total Tournaments: 3184
Total Active Players: 8370
Mean Tournament Prize Pool: $11,956.16
Mean Earnings/Player: $4,548.20
Median Tournament Prize Pool: $500.00
Median Earnings/Player: $299.77

Player Transfers for 2014

Transfer DateIDNameFormer Team New Team
2014-02-07United States ROBERTxLEERobert LeeLeague of Legends (coL Black)
2014-02-07United States WestriceJonathan NguyenLeague of Legends (coL Black)
2014-02-06Finland naSuNiko KovanenENCE
2014-02-06Korea, Republic of NeigeJung Ho, JungAZUBU
2014-02-06Finland aslakTimi VerkkoperäENCE
2014-02-06Korea, Republic of CoCoShin, Jin YeongLeague of Legends (CJ Frost)
2014-02-06Korea, Republic of LiraNam, Tae YooLeague of Legends (CJ Frost)
2014-02-05Brazil RevoltaGabriel HenudKeyd Stars
2014-02-05Brazil SnowlzGuilherme NevesKeyd Stars
2014-02-05Brazil SoulsilverRafael LannaKeyd Stars
2014-02-05Korea, Republic of ExpessionGu, Bon TaekLeague of Legends (NaJin Black Sword)
2014-02-05Korea, Republic of NoFeJeong, No ChulLeague of Legends (NaJin White Shield)
2014-02-05Korea, Republic of SeraphShin, Woo YeongLeague of Legends (NaJin White Shield)
2014-02-05United States MachineBryce BatesEvil Geniuses
2014-02-05Korea, Republic of SonGDuriSong, Young JinCJ Entus
2014-02-05United States MikwenAustin McClearyVwS Gaming
2014-02-05Korea, Republic of ActSceneYeon, Hyeong MoLeague of Legends (NaJin Black Sword)
2014-02-05Korea, Republic of HeliosShin, Dong JinLeague of Legends (NaJin Black Sword)
2014-02-05Korea, Republic of LimitJu, Min GyuLeague of Legends (NaJin Black Sword)
2014-02-05Korea, Republic of watchCho, Jae GeolLeague of Legends (NaJin Black Sword)League of Legends (NaJin White Shield)
2014-02-05Romania NightEnDSilviu LazarNewRoSoft
2014-02-04Brazil DanagornDaniel DrummondCNB e-Sports Club
2014-02-04United States ZekentGeorge LiuTeam Curse
2014-02-04Korea, Republic of LiraNam, Tae YooLeague of Legends (KT Arrows)
2014-02-04Romania NightEnDSilviu LazarFnatic
2014-02-04Sweden SaSeKim HammarFnatic
2014-02-04France HaykoRobin StahmerClan-Mystik
2014-02-04France kennySKenny SchrubClan-Mystik
2014-02-04Mexico 1anIan Emmanuel Espinosa VallejoLyon Gaming
2014-02-04Russian Federation DimaJkeDmitrii GushaRoX
2014-02-04Russian Federation DimonkoDmitrii KorovushkinRoX
2014-02-04Russian Federation FIReesIvan SelentievRoX
2014-02-04Russian Federation FomkoAnton FomkinRoX
2014-02-04Russian Federation NikSarValentin ZimakovRoX
2014-02-04United States EvaniskusEvan StevensLeague of Legends (coL Red)
2014-02-04United States goldenglueGreyson GilmerLeague of Legends (coL Red)
2014-02-04Canada JezieJungroan LinLeague of Legends (coL Red)
2014-02-04United States MabreyJoshua MabreyLeague of Legends (coL Red)
2014-02-04United States Nk IncAndrew EricksonLeague of Legends (coL Red)
2014-02-03United States Filipino ChampRyan RamirezComplexity Gaming
2014-02-03United States ShadyKLong TranComplexity Gaming
2014-02-03Korea, Republic of JaeHyunPark, Jae HyunLeague of Legends (Xenics Blast)
2014-02-03Korea, Republic of OdinLee, Gyu HoLeague of Legends (Xenics Blast)
2014-02-03Korea, Republic of PinchBae, Ji CheolLeague of Legends (Xenics Blast)
2014-02-03Korea, Republic of ArrowNo, Dong HyeonLeague of Legends (Xenics Storm)
2014-02-03Korea, Republic of CoCoShin, Jin YeongLeague of Legends (Xenics Storm)
2014-02-03Korea, Republic of GimGoonKim, Han SaemLeague of Legends (Xenics Storm)
2014-02-03Korea, Republic of PiccabooLee, Jong BeomLeague of Legends (Xenics Storm)
2014-02-03Korea, Republic of SwiftBaek, Da HoonLeague of Legends (Xenics Storm)
2014-02-03Singapore GacktEng, Ghim KeeTeam Razer
2014-02-03Singapore XianHo, Kun XianTeam Razer
2014-02-03Korea, Republic of HyuNKo, Seok HyunTeam Roccat
2014-02-02Korea, Republic of CenterChoi, Jae SungAZUBU
2014-02-02Korea, Republic of SHINShin, Hee BumAZUBU
2014-02-02Korea, Republic of SymbolKang, Dong HyunAZUBU
2014-02-02France apEXDan MadesclaireTeam LDLC.com
2014-02-02France HappyVincent SchopenhauerTeam LDLC.com
2014-02-02Switzerland ManiacMathieu QuiquerezTeam LDLC.com
2014-02-02France SfGordon GiryTeam LDLC.com
2014-02-02France UzzziiiKevin VernelTeam LDLC.com
2014-02-02France KQLYHovik TovmassianClan-MystikTeam LDLC.com
2014-02-02Germany cosmIQCedric WildenhuesPlanetkey Dynamics
2014-02-02Germany SatoriusMax GüntherPlanetkey Dynamics
2014-02-02Poland SuperAZEPiotr ProkopPlanetkey Dynamics
2014-02-02France ZdeadexAdrien FaguetPlanetkey Dynamics
2014-02United States AceAaron ElamFinal Boss
2014-02United States OGRE2Tom RyanFinal Boss
2014-02United States SnakeBitePaul DuarteFinal Boss
2014-02United States Snip3downEric WronaFinal Boss
2014-02-01Ukraine alohadanceIlya KorobkinFlipSid3 Tactics
2014-02China KeyGuo, LiRattleSnake
2014-02-01Russian Federation NoFearAlexander ChurochkinFlipSid3 Tactics
2014-02-01Russian Federation yokyMaxim KimFlipSid3 Tactics
2014-02Hong Kong FaiCheng, Hiu FaiHong Kong Attitude
2014-02-01Belgium shawKzHadrien DrossartAwsomniac
2014-02-01Uruguay UriUri Schölderle LatorreLyon Gaming
2014-02Hong Kong YauYeung, Chin YauHong Kong Attitude
2014-02Norway k0uTri, Tin LamLeague of Legends (C9 Eclipse)
2014-02Poland Zoolt4nPrzemyslaw MazurAbsolute Legends
2014-02China SunnGooFang, Hong RiOMG
2014-02-01Sweden GinsuJonnie HanssonLeague of Legends (SK Prime)
2014-02United States FeaRsDamod AbneyRise Nation
2014-02United States LoonyDaniel LozaRise Nation
2014-02United States PacmanJonathan TuckerRise Nation
2014-02United States Whea7sJamal LeeRise Nation
2014-02-01China ShurripeYu, RuiqiuVici Gaming
2014-02France TheFishouThomas GuedjTeam GO
2014-02France Un33DGrégoire BodinTeam GO
2014-02Malaysia 13GhostJasper Tan Kah GuanKuala Lumpur Hunters
2014-02Sweden HulbertoJohan JohanssonNinjas in Pyjamas
2014-02-01Netherlands MorsuBram KnolAwsomniac
2014-02Malaysia OzoraVekiPoon, Kok SingKuala Lumpur Hunters
2014-02Malaysia QaspieLEric Sia Sze PinKuala Lumpur Hunters
2014-02-01Finland SleepingChristian TiensuuAwsomniac
2014-02Malaysia StrayWayne Lee Jo WeinKuala Lumpur Hunters
2014-02Poland ArQuelKrzysztof SaućAbsolute Legends
2014-02Korea, Republic of ParagonChoi, Hyun IlLeague of Legends (IM #2)
2014-02Korea, Republic of ReignoverKim, Eui JinLeague of Legends (IM #1)League of Legends (IM #2)
2014-02Korea, Republic of KishKim, Beom SeokLeague of Legends (JAG Falcons)
2014-02-01Netherlands BroetoeJacco BroederLeague of Legends (SK Prime)