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Overall Esports Stats For January 2009

Total Prize Money: $216,563.77
Total Tournaments: 40
Total Active Players: 250
Mean Tournament Prize Pool: $5,414.09
Mean Earnings/Player: $866.26
Median Tournament Prize Pool: $200.00
Median Earnings/Player: $347.50

Top Players of January 2009 from France

 IDNameTotal (Month)Total (Overall)% of Total
1.France RpKCédric Guipouy$664.47$562,077.410.12%
2.France SmithZzEdouard Dubourdeaux$664.47$301,086.050.22%
3.France RegnaMLoïc Péron$664.47$23,992.952.77%
4.France mateOo-Matthieu Dalmaso$664.47$13,833.264.80%
5.France krLSebastien Perez$664.47$11,142.785.96%