Fortnite Champion Series - Chapter 2 - Season 4
Awarded Players
Mitr0 | Dmitri Van de Vrie | $41,050.00 |
Mongraal | Kyle Jackson | $41,050.00 |
TaySon | Tai Starčič | $41,050.00 |
Andilex | Alexandre Christophe | $35,350.00 |
JannisZ | Jannis Matwin | $35,350.00 |
xsweeze | Cyprien Dumonteil | $35,350.00 |
Anas | Anas El-Abd | $28,900.00 |
Flikk | Nikolaj Andreas Frøslev | $28,900.00 |
Th0masHD | Thomas Høxbro Davidsen | $28,900.00 |
Deyy | Dejsean Hew | $24,710.00 |
mero | Matthew Faitel | $24,710.00 |
Reverse2k | Malachi Greiner | $24,710.00 |
Artor | Artur Wielgosz | $21,400.00 |
Kami | Michał Kamiński | $21,400.00 |
Rakso | Oskar Zawadzki | $21,400.00 |
Cented | Evan Barron | $19,950.00 |
Commandment | Josh Roach | $19,950.00 |
Edgey | Ben Peterson | $19,950.00 |
Avery | Jilani Bouajila | $18,750.00 |
Bugha | Kyle Giersdorf | $18,750.00 |
Jamper | - - | $18,750.00 |
Arkhram | Diego Lima | $16,525.00 |
EpikWhale | Shane Cotton | $16,525.00 |
Rehx | Brodie Franks | $16,525.00 |
Frosty | Vinicius Alexandre | $15,975.00 |
Kurtz | Henrique Kurtz | $15,975.00 |
Redlee | - - | $15,975.00 |
Saf | Rocco Morales | $15,500.00 |
Stretch | Josef Liepshutz | $15,500.00 |
Zayt | Williams Aubin | $15,500.00 |
Endretta | Endre Byre | $15,000.00 |
FlowiS | Matias Albrechtsen | $15,000.00 |
Louis | - - | $15,000.00 |
crr | Chris Williams | $14,000.00 |
K1nzell | Blaž Lešnik | $14,000.00 |
Wolfiez | Jaden Ashman | $14,000.00 |
Clement | Clement Lesobre | $12,900.00 |
Floki | Manoel Da Costa | $12,900.00 |
naekoz | Adam Hussain | $12,900.00 |
k1nG | Thiago Bautista Lapp | $11,100.00 |
Rustyk | Lucas Gramuglia | $11,100.00 |
Seeyun | Igor de Oliveira | $11,100.00 |
Jay | - - | $10,850.00 |
Little | - - | $10,850.00 |
Temple | - - | $10,850.00 |
Acorn | Abdullah Akhras | $10,450.00 |
jahq | Jack Downs | $10,450.00 |
Slackes | - - | $10,450.00 |
Gabrielh99 | Gabriel Silva | $10,025.00 |
Lasers | Pedro Kaique Souza Carvalho | $10,025.00 |
technoviking46 | Gustavo Trevisan | $10,025.00 |
Dog | - - | $9,800.00 |
Kenshi | - - | $9,800.00 |
maken | - - | $9,800.00 |
Decyptos | Thomas Cottu | $9,300.00 |
Hen | Henrik Mclean | $9,300.00 |
Putrick | Daniil Abdrakhmanov | $9,300.00 |
4zr | Jérémy Dang | $8,600.00 |
Keziix | - - | $8,600.00 |
Nayte | Nathan Berquignol | $8,600.00 |
I4xPRO | - - | $8,450.00 |
vagnaR | - - | $8,450.00 |
Diamond | Erick Boneli | $8,350.00 |
Filipe | - - | $8,350.00 |
Snow | Rafael Sicoti Pellizzoni | $8,350.00 |
Alecc | Alex Mackechnie | $8,275.00 |
Jynx | Ryley Linde | $8,275.00 |
worthy | Austin King | $8,275.00 |
Dexefite | - - | $8,075.00 |
BenjyFishy | Benjy David Fish | $8,025.00 |
LeTsHe | Kevin Fedjuschkin | $8,025.00 |
MrSavage | Martin Foss | $8,025.00 |
4DRStorm | - - | $7,925.00 |
Falconer | Brendan Falconer | $7,925.00 |
Tavern | Liam - | $7,925.00 |
Bob | - - | $7,825.00 |
Maufin | - - | $7,825.00 |
Ruri | - - | $7,825.00 |
Adn | - - | $7,350.00 |
Matsoe | Mathijs Matsoe | $7,350.00 |
Umplify | - - | $7,350.00 |
KuKi | Kummale Abbass | $7,125.00 |
Mev | Syed Haroon | $7,125.00 |
favs | - - | $6,800.00 |
wavyjacob | Jacob Ghaith | $6,800.00 |
Rainy | - - | $6,650.00 |
Yusea | - - | $6,650.00 |
みや | - - | $6,650.00 |
Forbes | - - | $6,400.00 |
RepulseGod | Morgan Bamford | $6,400.00 |
sync | Dale Mulvogue | $6,400.00 |
Reet | Nathan Amundson | $6,350.00 |
Nylilex | Nyle Hasan | $6,225.00 |
Aspect | Nick McGuire | $6,000.00 |
npen | - - | $6,000.00 |
Xoonies | - - | $6,000.00 |
Histtory | Lucas da Silva | $5,750.00 |
Robot | - - | $5,750.00 |
Sheco | Yuri Pontes | $5,750.00 |
Bucke | Logan Eschenburg | $5,650.00 |
Khanada | Leon Khim | $5,650.00 |
Kreo | Nate Kou | $5,650.00 |
Av | Alexander Vanderveen | $5,450.00 |
Knight | Tyler McDougal | $5,450.00 |
RogueShark | Ethan Kammerman | $5,450.00 |
MackWood | Mack Aesoph | $5,000.00 |
yung calculator | Jonathan Weber | $5,000.00 |
ZexRow | Anthony Colandro | $5,000.00 |
Chapix | Moussa Faour | $4,850.00 |
milan | Milan Lopes | $4,850.00 |
Queasy | Aleksa Cvetkovic | $4,850.00 |
bobo | - - | $4,500.00 |
Nate | - - | $4,500.00 |
Rojo | Dave Jong | $4,500.00 |
IDrop | Miran Tavakolzadeh | $4,350.00 |
Styrsix | - - | $4,350.00 |
Vetle | - - | $4,350.00 |
Diguera | Rodrigo Eifler Santa Helena | $4,325.00 |
King | Bryan Eric Nunes | $4,325.00 |
leleo | Leonardo Arcanjo | $4,325.00 |
Blacky | Yann Deschamps | $4,300.00 |
jayrosez | - - | $4,300.00 |
Mony | - - | $4,300.00 |
Symetrical | Reza Ebrahimi | $4,300.00 |
Bizzle | Timothy Miller | $4,170.00 |
Clix | Cody Conrod | $4,170.00 |
illest | - - | $4,170.00 |
Naetor | - - | $3,900.00 |
Qjac | - - | $3,900.00 |
WildHawk | - - | $3,900.00 |
Robabz | Rohan Baboulal | $3,700.00 |
ZQ | Mathéo Bosgiraud | $3,700.00 |
Phantom | Anas Alsoufi | $3,625.00 |
iRezUmi | Sergey Larkin | $3,500.00 |
Kubx | - - | $3,500.00 |
Safik | Pavel Safonov | $3,500.00 |
Setty | Iwa Zając | $3,500.00 |
Siberiajkee | Dmitry Voronin | $3,500.00 |
teeq | Maciej Radzio | $3,500.00 |
Fares | - - | $3,300.00 |
Hellonsteam | Muhammad Shaheer Khan | $3,300.00 |
Jake | - - | $3,225.00 |
Rahcks | - - | $3,225.00 |
Skvtz | - - | $3,225.00 |
ClarityG | Shawn Washington | $3,200.00 |
Mikey | - - | $3,200.00 |
Nittle | Jonathon Weinman | $3,200.00 |
Alpha | Julien Auriol | $3,150.00 |
BlastR | Malow Orrieux | $3,150.00 |
Nikof | Nicolas Frejavise | $3,150.00 |
Eshz | - - | $3,100.00 |
Sorif | - - | $3,100.00 |
etq | - - | $3,000.00 |
Hellfire | Jacob Hansen | $3,000.00 |
IboooHai | - - | $3,000.00 |
Kiraah | - - | $3,000.00 |
Nuarix | Alan Kowalczyk | $3,000.00 |
Starkma4k | - - | $3,000.00 |
casqer | - - | $2,900.00 |
Falconly | Valentin Champeaux | $2,900.00 |
Skite | Clément Danglot | $2,900.00 |
smqcked | Zach Ebersole | $2,900.00 |
Unknown | Dominick Green | $2,900.00 |
Yagsou | Hippolyte Dupont | $2,900.00 |
Caryion | Shawn Chan | $2,800.00 |
GusTavox8 | Gustavo Lossio | $2,800.00 |
ndp | - - | $2,800.00 |
Nitrix | - - | $2,775.00 |
Slim | - - | $2,775.00 |
zinqxz | - - | $2,775.00 |
Jaspaay | Jasper Turenhout | $2,575.00 |
Lnuef | Levi Edelijn | $2,575.00 |
Merijn | - - | $2,575.00 |
lоrax | - - | $2,500.00 |
7man | - - | $2,475.00 |
Heif | - - | $2,475.00 |
Macy | - - | $2,475.00 |
Maesar | - - | $2,475.00 |
Shincky | - - | $2,475.00 |
Speedy | Qassim Ahmed | $2,475.00 |
Dubs | Daniel Walsh | $2,450.00 |
Megga | Noam Ackenine | $2,450.00 |
Riversan | River Handley | $2,450.00 |
Aziz | - - | $2,425.00 |
Lozer | - - | $2,425.00 |
Metab | - - | $2,425.00 |
Hamuppi | - - | $2,350.00 |
Heatzy | Julian Boscolo | $2,350.00 |
Lettuce | - - | $2,350.00 |
Snagged | Francesco Guerneri | $2,350.00 |
Steelix | Stefano Maso | $2,350.00 |
Miro | Jamairo - | $2,325.00 |
Snap | Twan Dooijeweerd | $2,325.00 |
Swag | Carl Emil Nielsen | $2,325.00 |
Jesse | Jesse Eckley | $2,300.00 |
Jordan | Jordan Eckley | $2,300.00 |
Volx | Baran - | $2,300.00 |
Bumboy | - - | $2,150.00 |
caleb | Caleb - | $2,150.00 |
verT | Trevor Orell | $2,150.00 |
Bully | Jake Vilela | $2,100.00 |
Grazca | Grayson - | $2,100.00 |
iciev | - - | $2,100.00 |
Posick | Paul McKissock | $2,100.00 |
Ronaldo | Ronaldo - | $2,100.00 |
Skqttlеs | - - | $2,100.00 |
Slick | - - | $2,100.00 |
Xccept | Ryder Amodeo | $2,100.00 |
Zum | - - | $2,100.00 |
Gabe | Gabriel Caden | $2,000.00 |
Simple | - - | $2,000.00 |
Snake | - - | $2,000.00 |
Tragix | Alan Nguyen | $2,000.00 |
Refsgaard | Oscar Dalgas Refsgaard | $1,950.00 |
Skram | Konrad Skram | $1,950.00 |
stompy | Klaus Konstanzer | $1,950.00 |
Ajerss | Aidan Bernero | $1,900.00 |
Animal | Owen Wright | $1,900.00 |
Degen | - - | $1,900.00 |
Ess | - - | $1,800.00 |
Jhk | - - | $1,800.00 |
Price | - - | $1,800.00 |
Raiku | - - | $1,800.00 |
Barella1x | - - | $1,775.00 |
KBR | Kaique Bento Freitas da Rocha | $1,775.00 |
Lxdesman | - - | $1,775.00 |
ReFleTz | - - | $1,775.00 |
Chainz | - - | $1,750.00 |
nunkerr | - - | $1,750.00 |
Oreo | Lachlan Passenger | $1,750.00 |
Antorak | - - | $1,725.00 |
Slovay | Hariri Arya | $1,725.00 |
Slq | - - | $1,725.00 |
AstroSMZ | Curtis Littler | $1,700.00 |
Floriixn | Florian Sahiti | $1,700.00 |
Hardfind | Danny - | $1,700.00 |
Kartun | - - | $1,700.00 |
Legxndz | Kenan Tazi | $1,700.00 |
Mexe | Layton Partridge | $1,700.00 |
Quickss | Park, Jin Gyu | $1,700.00 |
FHD | Fahad Almutairi | $1,675.00 |
KiritoKun | Mohammed Nabeel | $1,675.00 |
Yonx | Faisal Almusharraf | $1,675.00 |
Seak | -, - | $1,625.00 |
Alliege | - - | $1,600.00 |
Dexteriity | Erick Gomez | $1,600.00 |
Jelty | Jesus Navarez Espinoza | $1,600.00 |
Kono | - - | $1,600.00 |
Lareez | Lauri Angerpuro | $1,600.00 |
pgod | Piero Ramirez | $1,600.00 |
raifla | Aleksi Ruuska | $1,600.00 |
salvo | - - | $1,600.00 |
SliX | Taavi Mutanen | $1,600.00 |
Sprite | - - | $1,600.00 |
Tahi | - - | $1,600.00 |
Blake | Blake Burnette | $1,550.00 |
Ceice | Davis McClellan | $1,550.00 |
Furious | - - | $1,550.00 |
181.77.20 | -, - | $1,500.00 |
Advise | Olaf Kondla | $1,500.00 |
Ajay | - - | $1,500.00 |
Backho | Gyo, Kang Young | $1,500.00 |
Bagu | - - | $1,500.00 |
Dokko | - - | $1,500.00 |
Geanzha | - - | $1,500.00 |
J4chu | - - | $1,500.00 |
jpsk1ng | - - | $1,500.00 |
Nasir | - - | $1,500.00 |
Noward | Howard Castiaux | $1,500.00 |
NеmZ | - - | $1,500.00 |
Packo | - - | $1,500.00 |
Pattaty | - - | $1,500.00 |
Pinq | Zachariah Siddall | $1,500.00 |
roqz | - - | $1,500.00 |
Spy | Osama Almasad | $1,500.00 |
Tobi | - - | $1,500.00 |
Verox | Jacob Gilbert | $1,500.00 |
Vyx | - - | $1,500.00 |
2SNgNl | - - | $1,475.00 |
fa1zzy | Kirill Morozov | $1,475.00 |
Jozya | Danil Maltsev | $1,475.00 |
FaxFox | Park, Sung Bin | $1,400.00 |
Middi | - - | $1,400.00 |
Muz | - - | $1,400.00 |
Peterpan | Lee, Jong Su | $1,400.00 |
Radius | Arthur Gouzos | $1,400.00 |
RichHomieQuinn | Quinn Callahan | $1,400.00 |
SpeedyND | - - | $1,400.00 |
Aim | - - | $1,300.00 |
Aïrwaks | Karim Benghalia | $1,300.00 |
Gooboz | - - | $1,300.00 |
Leo the crack | Leonid Smailoski | $1,300.00 |
Link | Ethan - | $1,300.00 |
Michael | - - | $1,300.00 |
Psyduck | -, - | $1,300.00 |
Tyraxe | - - | $1,300.00 |
Vato | Pierre Mesey | $1,300.00 |
Wakie | Felix Hortlund | $1,300.00 |
Znappy | Alexander Zayedli | $1,300.00 |
Brabo | - - | $1,250.00 |
Liimaa | - - | $1,250.00 |
Scan | - - | $1,250.00 |
Criser | - - | $1,225.00 |
Looter | Sebastian - | $1,225.00 |
Rel | Ari Roche | $1,225.00 |
Remixxx | Josh Jordan | $1,225.00 |
Seanvp | Sean Byrne | $1,225.00 |
Sqwinnt | - - | $1,225.00 |
carrot | - - | $1,200.00 |
Cazz | - - | $1,200.00 |
Chocoluv | - - | $1,200.00 |
Crimz | Jordan Herzog | $1,200.00 |
Curney | - - | $1,200.00 |
Divine | - - | $1,200.00 |
Eclipsae | Jared Elwood | $1,200.00 |
Fleder | - - | $1,200.00 |
Foppe | - - | $1,200.00 |
Joji | - - | $1,200.00 |
Kiryache | Kirill Grishin | $1,200.00 |
Klass | Brandon Weaver | $1,200.00 |
Kn1pher | - - | $1,200.00 |
Njby | - - | $1,200.00 |
Passivq | Lucas Foster | $1,200.00 |
Pxlarized | - - | $1,200.00 |
QnDx | - - | $1,200.00 |
Rabid | - - | $1,200.00 |
Rapit | Hamad Almutairi | $1,200.00 |
Rotory | Daniil Kochukovskii | $1,200.00 |
Stormyrite | Nikita Kulak | $1,200.00 |
TabzG | Nicolas - | $1,200.00 |
XnB | - - | $1,200.00 |
AirkNn | - - | $1,175.00 |
EdRoadToGlory | Edcarlos Santos | $1,175.00 |
Nicks | Nicollas Polonio de Oliveira | $1,175.00 |
Persa | Felipe de Cruz | $1,175.00 |
Pickiss | Theo Ponsart | $1,175.00 |
WYZIP | - - | $1,175.00 |
1lushaFN | - - | $1,150.00 |
Fury Legendary | Alexander Svistunov | $1,150.00 |
RijasR | - - | $1,150.00 |
Rocaine | Matthew Snyder | $1,150.00 |
TeeJay | - - | $1,150.00 |
V0il | - - | $1,150.00 |
Jamside | Jamal Saidayev | $1,125.00 |
Letw1k3 | Mark Danilov | $1,125.00 |
Qvado | Ilya Shibalin | $1,125.00 |
Akai | Saif Alnuaimi | $1,100.00 |
Fnajen | Anton - | $1,100.00 |
LeftEye | Theo Broman | $1,100.00 |
Mappi | - - | $1,100.00 |
Raed | - - | $1,100.00 |
Snowyka | - - | $1,100.00 |
DKS | Raphaël Bernaville | $1,000.00 |
Downs2k | Oliver Weyergang | $1,000.00 |
Fastroki | - - | $1,000.00 |
Kylie | - - | $1,000.00 |
Mirza | Iacopo - | $1,000.00 |
PabloWingu | Albert Nyeborg | $1,000.00 |
Pircolino | Žiga Pirc | $1,000.00 |
QB | - - | $1,000.00 |
Smudge | - - | $1,000.00 |
Snipe | - - | $1,000.00 |
Vadeal | Alexander Schlik | $1,000.00 |
Wickesy | Jack Withers | $1,000.00 |
Deniiss | Denislav Ivaylov | $950.00 |
Kiujy_Y | Lois Palomero | $950.00 |
SaMMyy | - - | $950.00 |
7tor | Igor Popov | $900.00 |
Adapter | - - | $900.00 |
Akusto | - - | $900.00 |
Boyer | Adam Boyer-Dræby | $900.00 |
DaeZinhoo | Topias Kokkonen | $900.00 |
FiR3hUNTER | - - | $900.00 |
Freemok | David Mikolayovich | $900.00 |
Hero | - - | $900.00 |
Kejser | Niclas Guldbæk | $900.00 |
kikoo | Francisco Oliveira | $900.00 |
Komi | - - | $900.00 |
ks1light | Vladyslav Voytskhovskiy | $900.00 |
l1nk | Vitaly Nikolaev | $900.00 |
LeziX | - - | $900.00 |
Mosh | Tomas Gonçalves | $900.00 |
Mythic | Tarek Mouyad | $900.00 |
Nylе | Nylе Hasan | $900.00 |
pepe | - - | $900.00 |
Shipenen | - - | $900.00 |
Slender | Francisco Peres | $900.00 |
Steptr | - - | $900.00 |
tleq | - - | $900.00 |
Tonyyy | - - | $900.00 |
Trippernn | Sebastian Kjaer | $900.00 |
Σ.太ってるたく | - - | $900.00 |
ABUFAL7 | Yasir Alfaleh | $850.00 |
Kai | Samer Aljohani | $850.00 |
Modisk | Mahmod Abbas | $850.00 |
Bjergz | - - | $825.00 |
Darker | Enrico Mingardo | $825.00 |
Jakei | Jake Worley | $825.00 |
Kefyy | - - | $825.00 |
Kian | - - | $825.00 |
Kris | Kristoffer Strøm | $825.00 |
Kura | - - | $825.00 |
KyZeN | Lucas Gonzales | $825.00 |
McDaBeast | Martin Carvajal | $825.00 |
Mck | - - | $825.00 |
Richart | Mateusz Trawicki | $825.00 |
Swapz | - - | $825.00 |
temper | Alex Cattoni | $825.00 |
TomzyV1 | - - | $825.00 |
Toose | Ilya Chernyshov | $825.00 |
Virsuhh | - - | $825.00 |
WiiPow | Mathieu - | $825.00 |
Zara | Joele Zaramella | $825.00 |
Zeykoo | - - | $825.00 |
Antoo | - - | $800.00 |
Basil | - - | $800.00 |
bevvys | Ludvig T. | $800.00 |
Bloodx | Erik Guttormsen | $800.00 |
Bojak | Óscar Acereda | $800.00 |
Bubak | Lukáš Vajdík | $800.00 |
CizLucky | Chris Perez | $800.00 |
Prize Money By Country
1. | United States | $549,280.00 | 167 Players |
2. | France | $205,450.00 | 75 Players |
3. | Brazil | $174,425.00 | 43 Players |
4. | United Kingdom | $141,225.00 | 45 Players |
5. | Denmark | $132,525.00 | 34 Players |
6. | Canada | $105,135.00 | 18 Players |
7. | Australia | $101,450.00 | 53 Players |
8. | Netherlands | $84,775.00 | 17 Players |
9. | Poland | $81,675.00 | 12 Players |
10. | Japan | $76,175.00 | 25 Players |
11. | Germany | $75,575.00 | 45 Players |
12. | Slovenia | $56,650.00 | 4 Players |
13. | Saudi Arabia | $54,850.00 | 37 Players |
14. | Norway | $45,600.00 | 15 Players |
15. | Russian Federation | $36,475.00 | 20 Players |
16. | Sweden | $27,275.00 | 26 Players |
17. | Argentina | $27,125.00 | 12 Players |
18. | Switzerland | $19,800.00 | 12 Players |
19. | Spain | $15,450.00 | 22 Players |
20. | Finland | $13,800.00 | 15 Players |
21. | Italy | $11,925.00 | 10 Players |
22. | Pakistan | $11,925.00 | 6 Players |
23. | Bahrain | $11,525.00 | 5 Players |
24. | Korea, Republic of | $10,825.00 | 9 Players |
25. | Ireland | $9,700.00 | 13 Players |
26. | United Arab Emirates | $8,725.00 | 6 Players |
27. | Singapore | $8,725.00 | 2 Players |
28. | Czech Republic | $5,800.00 | 9 Players |
29. | Belgium | $5,725.00 | 8 Players |
30. | Mexico | $5,675.00 | 4 Players |
31. | Hong Kong | $5,650.00 | 1 Player |
32. | Serbia | $5,450.00 | 2 Players |
33. | Ukraine | $5,400.00 | 7 Players |
34. | New Zealand | $4,600.00 | 8 Players |
35. | Austria | $4,400.00 | 4 Players |
36. | Portugal | $3,900.00 | 5 Players |
37. | Egypt | $3,300.00 | 1 Player |
38. | Peru | $3,200.00 | 2 Players |
39. | Belarus | $2,650.00 | 3 Players |
40. | Iceland | $2,600.00 | 4 Players |
41. | Oman | $2,400.00 | 2 Players |
42. | Algeria | $2,100.00 | 2 Players |
43. | Syrian Arab Republic | $1,800.00 | 2 Players |
44. | Luxembourg | $1,700.00 | 1 Player |
45. | Kuwait | $1,425.00 | 2 Players |
46. | Croatia | $1,400.00 | 2 Players |
47. | Slovakia | $1,400.00 | 2 Players |
48. | Kosovo, Republic of | $1,300.00 | 1 Player |
49. | Qatar | $1,175.00 | 3 Players |
50. | Iraq | $850.00 | 1 Player |
51. | Jordan | $825.00 | 3 Players |
52. | Dominican Republic | $800.00 | 1 Player |
53. | Costa Rica | $700.00 | 1 Player |
54. | Lebanon | $700.00 | 2 Players |
55. | Palestine, State of | $700.00 | 2 Players |
56. | Albania | $600.00 | 1 Player |
57. | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $600.00 | 1 Player |
58. | Israel | $600.00 | 1 Player |
59. | Romania | $600.00 | 1 Player |
60. | Tunisia | $600.00 | 1 Player |
61. | Turkey | $600.00 | 1 Player |
62. | Malaysia | $300.00 | 1 Player |
63. | Nicaragua | $250.00 | 1 Player |
64. | Latvia | $200.00 | 1 Player |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Grand Finals: Asia | - | $100,800.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Grand Finals: Brazil | - | $201,600.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Grand Finals: Europe | - | $624,000.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Grand Finals: Middle East | - | $100,800.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Grand Finals: NA East | - | $381,300.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Grand Finals: NA West | - | $201,600.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Grand Finals: Oceania | - | $100,800.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Wildcard: Europe | - | $55,800.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Wildcard: NA East | - | $34,200.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Heat 1: Europe | - | $30,600.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Heat 2: Europe | - | $30,600.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Heat 3: Europe | - | $30,600.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Heat 4: Europe | - | $30,600.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 3: Asia | - | $9,450.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 3: Brazil | - | $14,100.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 3: Europe | - | $67,500.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 3: NA East | - | $36,855.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 3: NA West | - | $14,100.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 3: Oceania | - | $9,450.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 3: Middle East | - | $9,450.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 2: Asia | - | $9,450.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 2: Brazil | - | $14,100.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 2: Europe | - | $67,500.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 2: NA East | - | $36,855.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 2: NA West | - | $14,100.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 2: Oceania | - | $9,450.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 2: Middle East | - | $9,450.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 1: Asia | - | $9,450.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 1: Brazil | - | $14,100.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 1: Europe | - | $67,500.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 1: Middle East | - | $9,450.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 1: NA East | - | $36,855.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 1: NA West | - | $14,100.00 | Fortnite |
FNCS: Chapter 2 Season 4 - Week 1: Oceania | - | $9,450.00 | Fortnite |