Name:Aaron Thomas
ID:Professor Pro
Country: United Kingdom

Professor Pro vs HugS

Earnings & Results Compared

161Tournaments Ranked110
$35,251.68Prize Money Earned$21,766.29

Prize Difference
$13,485.39 ««««««««««


Placements In Same Tournament
4/267 (1.50%)

Name:Hugo Gonzalez
Country: United States

7th-8th-$172.632023-12-10Santa Paws (SSBM Singles)    
13th-16th-$743.402022-11-06Smash Summit 14 (Singles)    
3rd€87.50$85.752022-10-16DreamHack Rotterdam 2022 (SSBM Melee Doubles)    
2nd€900.00$882.002022-10-16DreamHack Rotterdam 2022 (SSBM Melee Singles)    
5th-6th£247.50$301.532022-07-31Fête 2    
17th-24th-$1,000.002021-12-20Smash World Tour 2021 Championship (Melee)    
4th-$400.002021-10-24SWT 2021 Europe Regional Finals (Melee)    
2nd-$600.002020-11-22Smash Summit 10 Online (EU Bracket)    
7th-8th€50.00$59.222020-08-15Battle of the Armada - Melee Edition 2    
4th-$200.002020-06-21Battle of the Armada - Melee Edition    
1st£19.80$24.312019-09-08BattleBourne (SSBM Doubles)    
1st£129.60$159.152019-09-08BattleBourne (SSBM Singles)    
   2019-09-08DreamHack Montreal 2019 (SSBM Singles) $400.00-4th
1st€105.00$116.472019-08-18Awakening 5 (SSBM Doubles)    
4th€153.00$169.712019-08-18Awakening 5 (SSBM Singles)    
4th£26.75$32.532019-08-04Fête (SSBM Doubles)    
2nd£14.25$18.142019-06-23Short Hop Pear 10 (Doubles)    
1st£160.00$203.672019-06-23Short Hop Pear 10 (Singles)    
   2019-06-02DreamHack Dallas 2019 (SSBM Singles) $2,500.00-1st
2ndA$280.00$192.142019-05-19BAM 11 (SSBM Singles)    
3rd£12.00$15.502019-04-28Regen 2019 (SSBM Doubles)    
2nd£264.00$340.922019-04-28Regen 2019 (SSBM Singles)    
1st€234.00$263.152019-04-21HFLAN Melee Edition 2019 (Doubles)    
3rd€420.00$472.322019-04-21HFLAN Melee Edition 2019 (Singles)    
2nd-$36.292019-02-17Schism 3: Melee (Doubles)    
3rd-$160.592019-02-17Schism 3: Melee (Singles)    
1st£96.00$121.902018-12-30Ultimate Smash at O'Neill's (SSBM Singles)    
   2018-12-22NYXL Pop-Up! (Melee) $99.00-5th-6th
   2018-09-09DreamHack Montreal 2018 (Melee Singles) $500.00-5th-6th
1st-$49.962018-07-08Superbou 2 Doubles    
2nd-$172.102018-07-08Superbou 2 Singles    
5th-6th-$21.632018-07-01Awakening IV: Melee (Doubles)    
5th-6th-$120.422018-07-01Awakening IV: Melee (Singles)    
4th-$42.622018-07-01Awakening IV: Project M (Singles)    
   2018-05-06Smash Summit 6 (Singles) $220.10-13th-16th
   2018-04-29Super Smash Sundays #64 (Singles) $39.90-5th-6th
   2018-03-11EGLx 2018: Melee (Singles) $53.07-9th-12th
   2018-02-24No Fun Allowed 2 (SSBM Singles) $1,039.50-1st
   2018-01-27Noods Noods Noods: Melee Edition (SSBM) $497.00-4th
1st£70.40$97.542018-01-21QUARTERED 06: SWITZERLAND (Singles)    
   2018-01-21GENESIS 5 (SSBM Singles) $245.00-7th-8th
   2017-12-15The Holiday Bash Smash Invitational (Crews) $200.00-WIN
3rd-$50.002017-12-03DreamHack Winter 2017 (SSBM Doubles)    
5th-6th-$500.002017-12-03DreamHack Winter 2017 (SSBM)    
   2017-11-10Friday Night Turnip #76 $76.50-2nd
   2017-11-03Friday Night Turnip #75 $108.00-1st
   2017-10-29Too Hot to Handle (SSBM Singles) $225.00-5th-6th
2nd-$200.002017-10-06The Big House 7 (SSBM Crews)    
   2017-10-01GameTyrant Expo 2017 (SSBM Singles) $300.00-13th-16th
7th-8th-$25.002017-09-29GameTyrant Expo 2017 (SSBM Doubles)    
5th-6th-$112.002017-09-24Syndicate 2017: Melee Singles    
1st-$144.002017-09-24Syndicate 2017: Project M Singles    
   2017-09-10DreamHack Montreal 2017 (SSBM) $500.00-5th-6th
   2017-08-27Shine 2017 (SSBM Singles) $58.96-13th-16th
5th-6th£238.00$306.382017-08-20Heir 4 (Singles)    
2nd£411.70$530.002017-08-19Heir 4 (Doubles)    
   2017-08-06Low Tier City 5 (SSBM Singles) $587.50-3rd
   2017-07-30GOML 2017 (SSBM Singles) $45.44C$56.509th-12th
2nd€63.00$73.472017-07-22Dash Dancers Dawn (Doubles)    
2nd€204.80$238.852017-07-22Dash Dancers Dawn (Singles)    
2nd£15.00$19.542017-07-02Albion 2 (SSBM Doubles)    
1st£341.00$444.242017-07-02Albion 2 (SSBM Singles)    
   2017-06-30Friday Night Turnip #58 $58.50-2nd
   2017-06-25Revenge of the 6ix: Episode II (Singles) $167.33C$222.002nd
7th-8th-$300.002017-06-19DreamHack Summer 2017 (Smash)    
2nd-$102.502017-06-11Saints Gaming Live (SSBM Doubles)    
   2017-06-09Friday Night Turnip #55 $153.00-1st
7th-8th-$67.252017-06-04Smash 'N' Splash 3 (SSBM Doubles)    
2nd-$152.002017-06-02Smash 'N' Splash 3 (PM Doubles)    
   2017-05-28The Bigger Balc: Melee Singles $116.00-5th-6th
   2017-05-26Friday Night Turnip #53 $177.00-1st
1st-$225.502017-04-22Ghost Pepper Smash (Doubles)    
1st-$731.402017-04-22Ghost Pepper Smash (Singles)    
   2017-04-22Flatiron 2 (Singles) $210.70-4th
5th-6th€170.00$180.312017-04-16HFLAN Melee Edition 2017 (Singles)    
   2017-04-16CEO Dreamland (SSBM Singles) $166.50-5th-6th
4th€60.00$63.682017-04-15HFLAN Melee Edition 2017 (Doubles)    
1st-$75.002017-04-06SG Melee 2017-04-06    
   2017-03-10Friday Night Turnip #42 $51.00-2nd
   2017-03-05Smash Summit Spring 2017 (Singles) $514.48-13th-16th
   2017-03-02Smash Summit Spring 2017 (Crews) $250.00-1st
5th-6th€73.75$78.282017-02-19BEAST 7 (SSBM Doubles)    
   2017-02-17Friday Night Turnip #39 $16.00-3rd
1st£37.40$46.702017-02-12Kickstart 14 (Doubles)    
3rd£66.15$82.602017-02-12Kickstart 14 (Singles)    
2nd€240.00$255.422017-02-11SmashBox 2 (Singles)    
   2017-02-10Friday Night Turnip #38 $61.50-2nd
   2017-02-03Friday Night Turnip #37 $19.50-3rd
   2017-01-27Friday Night Turnip #36 $76.50-2nd
25th-32nd-$50.002017-01-22Genesis 4 (SSBM Singles)!$75.00-17th-24th
   2017-01-20Genesis 4 (SSBM Crews) $300.00-1st
   2017-01-14The Road to Genesis $82.50-2nd
2nd-$55.502017-01-07Smash Conference LXIX (SSBM Doubles)    
   2017-01-06Friday Night Turnip #34 $159.00-1st
   2016-12-29Smash @ Power 9 #15 (Singles) $187.00-1st
   2016-12-23Friday Night Turnip #33 $120.00-1st
   2016-12-22Smash @ Power 9 #14 (Singles) $94.50-2nd
4th-$168.352016-12-18Don't Park On The Grass (SSBM Doubles)    
1st-$294.002016-12-11Eden (Doubles)    
   2016-12-09Friday Night Turnip #32 $117.00-1st
5th-6th-$891.482016-12-04UGC Smash Open (SSBM Singles)    
5th-6th-$900.002016-11-26DreamHack Winter 2016 (SSBM)    
   2016-11-25Friday Night Turnip #30 $81.00-1st
   2016-11-19Battlegrounds 3 (SSBM Singles) $787.50-1st
4th-$154.402016-10-30Olympus (SSBM Singles)!$38.60-7th-8th
4th-$21.502016-10-29Olympus (SSBM Doubles)    
4th4,250 NOK$514.852016-10-23Eclipse 2 (SSBM Singles)    
4th625 NOK$75.792016-10-22Eclipse 2 (SSBM Doubles)    
2nd£24.00$29.262016-10-16Kickstart 12 (Doubles)    
2nd£132.83$161.922016-10-16Kickstart 12 (Singles)    
5th-6th-$48.002016-10-08Project M at The Big House 2    
3rd-4th-$100.002016-10-07The Big House 6 (SSBM Crews)    
   2016-09-24SoCal Colosseum #4 (Singles) $65.00-4th
   2016-09-23Friday Night Turnip #21 $40.50-2nd
3rd£17.70$23.022016-09-17Kickstart 11 (Doubles)    
2nd€175.00$196.582016-09-11Syndicate 2016 (SSBM Doubles)    
5th-6th€100.00$112.332016-09-11Syndicate 2016 (SSBM Singles)    
13th-16th-$50.442016-08-28Shine 2016 (SSBM Singles)    
3rd-$378.002016-08-27Shine 2016 (SSBM Doubles)    
1st€768.00$868.922016-08-21Heir 3 (PM Singles)    
2nd€192.05$217.292016-08-21Heir 3 (SSBM Doubles)    
5th-6th€236.50$267.582016-08-21Heir 3 (SSBM Singles)    
   2016-08-21Super Smash Sundays #51 (SSBM Singles) $49.50-3rd
   2016-08-19Friday Night Turnip #16 $90.00-2nd
3rd£6.30$8.152016-08-13Kickstart 10 (Doubles)    
2nd£75.00$96.982016-08-13Kickstart 10 (Singles)    
2ndC$432.00$327.712016-08-07Summit 2016 (PM Singles)    
1stC$1,440.40$1,092.662016-08-07Summit 2016 (SSBM Singles)    
   2016-07-31Smash Factor 5 (SSBM Singles) $0.00-2nd
   2016-07-22Friday Night Turnip #12 $135.00-1st
1st£39.60$52.242016-07-17Kickstart 9 (Doubles)    
1st£157.50$207.792016-07-17Kickstart 9 (Singles)    
   2016-07-10Super Smash Sundays #48 (SSBM Doubles) $14.00-3rd
   2016-07-01Friday Night Turnip #9 $21.50-3rd
3rd-$1,000.002016-06-21DreamHack Summer 2016 (SSBM)    
1st£34.20$48.752016-06-12Kickstart 8 (Doubles)    
1st£165.00$235.192016-06-12Kickstart 8 (Singles)    
   2016-06-10Friday Night Turnip #6 $129.00-1st
1st€114.00$126.692016-05-29Arcamelee #1 (Doubles)    
4th€45.00$50.012016-05-29Arcamelee #1 (Singles)    
13th-16thC$50.45$38.482016-05-22GOML 2016 (SSBM Singles)!$38.48C$50.4513th-16th
   2016-05-15Super Smash Sundays #44 (SSBM Singles) $195.00-2nd
1st£88.00$127.002016-05-08Albion (PM)    
1st£37.13$53.582016-05-08Albion (SSBM Doubles)    
1st£275.00$396.872016-05-08Albion (SSBM Singles)    
   2016-05-06Friday Night Turnip #1 $114.00-1st
   2016-04-17Fight Pitt 6 $92.40-5th-6th
1st€95.00$107.742016-04-10HF Lan #12 (SSBM Doubles)    
3rd€125.00$141.762016-04-10HF Lan #12 (SSBM Singles)    
   2016-04-10Frame One (SSBM Singles) $108.00-4th
9th-12th-$69.972016-04-03Pound 2016 (SSBM Singles)    
   2016-04-03Pound 2016 (SSBM Character Crews) $50.00-3rd-4th
2nd-$79.502016-03-31Rold Gold: Guaranteed Fresh 3    
   2016-03-30Smash @ Xanadu 2016-03-30 (SSBM) $55.20-3rd
5th-6th-$84.002016-03-26Super Nebulous 4 (Melee Singles)    
   2016-03-26OUTFOXX'D (SSBM Singles) $51.73-7th-8th
3rd£6.30$9.062016-03-13Kickstart 7 (Doubles)    
2nd£93.75$134.862016-03-13Kickstart 7 (Singles)    
3rd-$116.002016-03-06Shots Fired 2 (Project M Doubles)    
2nd-$675.002016-03-06Shots Fired 2 (Project M Singles)    
3rd-$157.502016-03-06Shots Fired 2 (SSBM Doubles)    
4th-$625.002016-03-06Shots Fired 2 (SSBM Singles)    
   2016-03-06Super Smash Sundays #42 (SSBM Singles) $71.00-4th
1st-$452.322016-02-21BEAST 6 (Project M Singles)    
3rd-$175.732016-02-21BEAST 6 (SSBM Doubles)    
5th-6th-$328.802016-02-21BEAST 6 (SSBM Singles)    
   2016-02-17Smash @ Xanadu 2016-02-17 (SSBM) $26.00-4th
2nd£18.90$27.422016-02-14Kickstart 6 (SSBM Doubles)    
5th-6th£8.13$11.792016-02-14Kickstart 6 (SSBM Singles)    
   2016-02-13Frostbite Melee Doubles $11.00-3rd
   2016-02-13Frostbite Melee Singles $195.00-2nd
   2016-02-07Super Smash Sundays #41 (SSBM Singles) $86.25-3rd
   2016-01-30Emerald City I (SSBM Doubles) $153.00-1st
   2016-01-30Emerald City I (SSBM Singles) $215.00-3rd
2nd-$80.002016-01-24Kickstart 5 (Doubles)    
3rd-$84.002016-01-24Kickstart 5 (Singles)    
   2016-01-17Genesis 3 (SSBM Singles) $75.00-17th-24th
   2015-12-13Super Smash Sundays #38 (SSBM Doubles) $15.50-3rd
   2015-12-13Super Smash Sundays #38 (SSBM Singles) $65.00-4th
7th-8th-$100.002015-11-28DreamHack Winter 2015 (SSBM Doubles)    
1st-$159.752015-11-22Kings of the North 4 (Project M Doubles)    
2nd-$294.002015-11-22Kings of the North 4 (Project M Singles)    
1st-$209.252015-11-22Kings of the North 4 (SSBM Doubles)    
2nd-$538.002015-11-22Kings of the North 4 (SSBM Singles)    
2nd-$192.002015-11-22KOTN 4    
2nd-$84.002015-11-20ASH@WIT 37    
1st-$170.502015-11-15We Tech Those (PM All Star)    
1st-$280.502015-11-15We Tech Those (PM Doubles)    
5th-6th-$82.002015-11-15We Tech Those (PM Singles)    
1st-$231.002015-11-15We Tech Those (SSBM)    
1st-$1,558.002015-11-08Tipped Off 11 (Project M Singles)    
5th-6th-$252.002015-11-08Tipped Off 11 (SSBM Singles)    
1st£46.80$71.672015-10-25Kickstart 3 (SSBM Doubles)    
1st£235.00$359.892015-10-25Kickstart 3 (SSBM Singles)    
2nd210 SEK$25.452015-10-18Gaston (Project M Singles)    
2nd610 SEK$73.932015-10-18Gaston (SSBM Doubles)    
2nd1,570 SEK$190.272015-10-18Gaston (SSBM Singles)    
   2015-10-11SoCal Regionals 2015 (SSBM) $120.00-3rd
2nd-$200.002015-10-04The Big House 5 (SSBM Crews)!$400.00-1st
4th-$57.002015-10-03Project M at The Big House    
1st£25.20$38.252015-09-27Kickstart 2 (SSBM Doubles)    
1st£162.50$246.682015-09-27Kickstart 2 (SSBM Singles)    
   2015-08-30PAX Prime 2015 (SSBM Doubles) $187.50-2nd
1st-$75.502015-08-24Heart of Melee 5    
1st£462.60$723.672015-08-16Heir II the Throne (Project M)    
1st-$79.392015-08-10Heart of Melee 3    
1st£39.60$61.372015-08-09Kickstart (Doubles)    
1st£162.50$251.822015-08-09Kickstart (Singles)    
   2015-08-09Super Smash Con (SSBM Singles) $159.30-9th-12th
1st£40.50$63.272015-08-01SCR 6 (SSBM Doubles)    
1st£160.00$249.972015-08-01SCR 6 (SSBM Singles)    
1st-$70.182015-07-27Heart of Melee    
1st-$473.252015-07-26LAST V    
   2015-07-11Mayhem July 2015 $331.00-2nd
1st€16.00$24.432015-06-06Bring All The Hype (Doubles)    
1st€73.50$112.232015-06-06Bring All The Hype (Singles)    
   2015-06-06Mayhem June 2015 (Doubles) $60.00-2nd
   2015-06-06Mayhem June 2015 (Singles) $176.25-3rd
1st€96.25$105.972015-05-24JST 7 (Project M)    
1st€51.00$56.152015-05-24JST 7 (SSBM Doubles)    
3rd€45.00$49.552015-05-24JST 7 (SSBM)    
2nd600 SEK$70.542015-04-06Beauty 10 (SSBM Doubles)    
3rd885 SEK$104.052015-04-06Beauty 10 (SSBM Singles)    
   2015-04-04Mayhem April 2015 (Singles) $79.20-4th
   2015-03-14Mayhem March 2015 (Singles) $355.00-1st
1st£102.60$157.982015-02-22Raise Your Game    
   2015-02-22SHFFL Up and Deal (SSBM Singles) $274.40-3rd
2nd-$344.002015-01-18The Flex Zone (Project M)    
2nd€197.50$233.882015-01-11BEAST V (Project M)    
5th-6th€150.60$178.342015-01-11BEAST V (SSBM Singles)    
   2015-01-04SWEET Prologue (SSBM Singles) $600.00-2nd
   2014-12-21Super Smash Sundays #30 (SSBM Doubles) $54.00-2nd
4th58 SEK$7.622014-12-07Beauty 9 (SSBM Doubles)    
5th-6th50 SEK$6.632014-12-07Beauty 9 (SSBM Singles)    
   2014-12-07Super Smash Sundays #29 (SSBM Doubles) $72.00-1st
   2014-11-22Crouching Cancel, Hidden Downsmash $54.00-1st
5th-6th-$0.002014-10-05The Big House 4 (Project M Doubles)    
2nd-$666.002014-10-05The Big House 4 (Project M Singles)    
   2014-09-28Super Smash Sundays #26 (SSBM Doubles) $27.00-2nd
   2014-09-14Super Smash Sundays #25 (SSBM Doubles) $13.00-3rd
   2014-08-31Super Smash Sundays #24 (SSBM Doubles) $117.00-1st
3rd-$307.202014-06-01SKTAR 3 (Project M Singles)    
WIN-$100.002014-06-01SKTAR 3 - Professor Pro vs Rolex    
4th€30.00$41.082014-05-18Republic of Fighters 3 (Doubles)    
   2014-04-13Super Smash Sundays #17 (SSBM Doubles) $11.00-3rd
2nd915 SEK$142.002014-02-16BEAST 4 (Project M)    
   2014-01-12Super Smash Sundays #11 (SSBM Doubles) $69.00-1st
   2013-12-15Kings of Cali 3 (SSBM Doubles) $15.50-5th-6th
   2013-10-20Super Smash Sundays #6 (SSBM Doubles) $10.50-3rd
   2013-09-22Super Smash Sundays #4 (SSBM Singles) $31.50-3rd
   2011-01-23Winter Game Fest VI (SSBM singles) $25.00-5th-6th
   2010-09-10CGC @ SFSU XXI (singles) $33.00-3rd
   2010-07-25Good Shit German (doubles) $28.00-3rd
   2010-03-27Nice Shot Hugo (doubles) $87.00-1st
   2010-03-27Nice Shot Hugo (singles) $38.50-4th
   2010-02-06CGC @ SFSU XV (SSBM doubles) $40.00-1st
   2010-02-06CGC @ SFSU XV (SSBM singles) $147.50-1st
   2009-09-27ActiveGamers: Coast to Coast (SSBM singles) $500.00-2nd
   2009-03-01Mango Juice (singles) $0.00-7th-8th
   2007-12-01UCLA Monthly IV (singles) $180.00-2nd Lanfest 2k7 $500.00-2nd
   2007-08-26Evo 2007 (SSBM) $2,000.00-2nd
   2007-03-24UCLA Monthly II (singles) $240.00-1st
   2006-10-28NorCal Tournament 2 $193.00-3rd
   2006-10-15MLG New York Playoffs 2006 (SSBM Singles) $300.00-8th
   2006-08-27MLG Orlando 2006 (SSBM Singles) $150.00-7th
   2006-06-25MLG Anaheim 2006 (SSBM Singles) $150.00-7th