Name:Léo Maurice
Country: France

Lounet vs Cabochard

Earnings & Results Compared

19Tournaments Ranked21
$10,948.31Prize Money Earned$79,997.89

Prize Difference
»»»»»»»»»» $69,049.58


Placements In Same Tournament
0/40 (0.00%)

Name:Lucas Simon-Meslet
Country: France

   2023-09-08EMEA Masters Summer 2023 $8,642.16€8,000.001st
   2023-08-11LFL Summer 2023 $1,759.44€1,600.001st
9th-12th€666.67$736.592023-04-29EMEA Masters Spring 2023    
   2022-11-11LFL Coupe de France 2022 $173.13€166.673rd-4th
   2022-08-18LFL Summer 2022 $201.82€200.005th-6th
   2022-05-07European Masters Spring 2022 $8,299.12€8,000.001st
   2022-03-31LFL Spring 2022 $663.92€600.003rd
   2021-09-19European Masters Summer 2021 $9,600.00€8,000.001st
   2019-09-08LEC 2019 Summer $2,221.20€2,000.005th-6th
   2019-04-14LEC 2019 Spring $1,893.33€1,666.675th-6th
   2018-11-03LoL 2018 World Championship $29,025.00-9th-12th
   2018-09-09Riot EU LCS 2018 Summer $5,842.35€5,000.003rd
   2018-04-08Riot EU LCS 2018 Spring $4,896.40€4,000.004th
4th€200.00$216.702015-07-18DreamHack Valencia 2015 (LoL)    
1st€1,000.00$1,115.652015-07-11FEST Lyon 2015 (LoL)    
3rd€200.00$221.852015-06-29ESL Championnat National - Spring Finals 2015 (LoL)    
4th€100.00$112.192015-05-08DreamHack Tours 2015 (LoL)    
1st€300.00$327.072015-04-26Evry Games City 2015 (LoL)    
   2015-03-15IEM IX - World Championship (LoL) $500.00-7th-8th
1st-$2,000.002015-01-08LoL Pro League - Season II    
   2014-12-21IEM IX - Cologne (League of Legends) $2,500.00-1st
   2014-09-04Black Monster Cup Fall EU 2014 $461.75€350.003rd
   2014-08-17gamescom 2014 - FACEIT LoL Challenge $750.00-2nd
   2014-08-08EU Challenger Series Summer 2014 Playoffs $600.00-4th
   2014-07-30EU Challenger Series Summer 2014 #2 $800.00-2nd
   2014-07-27FACEIT Challenger Invitational 3 $260.00-1st
2nd€800.00$1,090.252014-07-07GameGune 2014 (League of Legends)    
   2013-11-03ASUS ROG - Paris Games Week 2013 (LoL) $408.27€300.003rd
   2013-07-20EU LCS Season 3 Spring Tenerife $500.00-3rd-4th
3rd-4th€125.00$162.202012-09-23DreamHack Valencia 2012 (LoL)    
4th-$500.002012-08-25Campus Party: Europe in Berlin (LoL)    
5th-6th-$360.002012-06-18DreamHack Summer 2012 (LoL)    
2nd€100.00$131.662012-04-30Absolute Pro League: April    
1st€800.00$1,046.302012-04-09Gamers Assembly 2012 (LoL)    
9th-10th-$420.002012-03-10IEM VI - World Championship (LoL)    
7th-8th-$400.002012-01-22IEM VI - Kiev (LoL)    
1st€1,000.00$1,371.542011-10-25ASUS ROG - Paris Games Week 2011 (LoL)    
3rd-$680.002011-10-16IEM VI - New York (LoL)    
WIN€20.00$27.532011-09-11Go4LoL EUW #54    
WIN€20.00$28.782011-06-07Go4LoL EU #40