Name:Dogukan Yilmaz
Country: Netherlands

Dogu vs Nielskoek

Earnings & Results Compared

8Tournaments Ranked29
$3,090.08Prize Money Earned$19,424.14

Prize Difference
»»»»»»»»»» $16,334.06


Placements In Same Tournament
0/37 (0.00%)

Name:Niels Kok
Country: Netherlands

   2019-09-04ESM RL Cup 14 $54.86€50.001st
   2019-05-10RLRS - Season 7 (Europe) $4,333.33-1st
   2019-02-10Renegade Cup EU: Finals $333.33-5th-6th
   2019-01-24Renegade Cup EU: Ember Series $333.33-2nd
   2018-12-20Renegade Cup EU: Neon Dream - The Confederation Cup $250.00-3rd
   2018-11-26Ballistix Brawl - Season 2: Qualifier 3 $33.33-2nd
   2018-11-22Renegade Cup EU: Rocketeers Thunderdome $250.00-3rd
   2018-10-25Renegade Cup EU: Rocket Baguette Grand Prix $83.33-4th
   2018-10-12RLRS - Season 6 (Europe) $1,333.33-6th
   2018-10-03Renegade Cup EU: Rocket Baguette Grand Prix - Open Qualifier 1 $16.67-3rd-4th
   2018-09-01Rewind Gaming: The Colosseum $48.56€40.009th-16th
   2018-08-07Gfinity Challenger Series Season 4 - Competitor 6 $107.99£83.331st
   2018-07-15Northern Arena: Rocket League Invitational 2 $1,200.00-7th-8th
   2018-04-22RLCS Season 5 - EU $3,500.00-7th
   2018-01-20PRL Rivals EU Cup #38 $50.00-1st
   2018-01-13PRL Rivals EU Cup #37 $50.00-1st
   2017-12-316Mans Streamer Showdown EU $1,000.00-2nd
   2017-11-05SPL Gauntlet $100.00-3rd-4th
   2017-10-15RLCS Season 4 - Europe $2,833.33-5th-6th
   2017-09-15Gfinity Weekly Cups: Europe 3v3 - Cup 102 $90.59£66.671st
   2017-08-25Gfinity Weekly Cups: Europe 3v3 - Cup 99 $85.86£66.671st
   2017-08-11Gfinity Weekly Cups: Europe 3v3 - Cup 97 $21.63£16.672nd
   2017-06-18DreamHack Summer 2017 (RL) $2,000.00-3rd-4th
   2017-04-23RLCS Season 3 - EU League Play $1,166.67-8th
   2017-04-10Gfinity Challenger Series Season 1 - Competitor 6 $24.84£20.002nd
   2017-04-09RLCS Season 3 - Europe Midseason Mayhem $83.33-5th-8th
   2017-03-12RLCS Season 3 (EU Qualifier) $0.00-1st-8th
   2017-03-01MetaCup Series: Weekly 3v3 6 $17.96€17.002nd
7th-$1,166.672016-11-13RLCS Season 2 - Europe    
2nd£16.67$20.262016-10-28Gfinity Weekly Cups: Europe 3v3 - Cup 58    
3rd-4th-$416.672016-10-09RLCS Season 2 - EU Midseason Mayhem    
   2016-08-26Gfinity Weekly Cups: Europe 3v3 - Cup 49 $21.87£16.672nd
4th-$1,283.332016-08-07RLCS Season 1 - Finals    
2nd€50.00$55.222016-07-11Go4RocketLeague EU June 2016    
2nd-$100.002016-05-28Pulsar Season 2: Premier League    
1st£20.00$29.222016-04-26Gfinity Weekly Cups: Europe 3v3 Secondary - Cup 3    
2nd€16.67$18.712016-04-23Mock-It eSports Weekly Cup: EU 3v3 - Cup 3