Name:Tomáš Masaryk
Country: Slovakia

benq1 vs kutnass

Earnings & Results Compared

38Tournaments Ranked6
$4,101.85Prize Money Earned$999.28

Prize Difference
$3,102.57 ««««««««««


Placements In Same Tournament
2/42 (4.76%)

Name:Juraj Kútny
Country: Slovakia

3rd1,000 Kč$46.592021-08-01Quietus Day 2021    
   2018-08-15ESEA EU CS:GO Open Season 28 - Playoffs $390.00-1st
2nd2,340 Kč$105.302018-07-01Quietus Day 2018    
3rd€80.00$93.352018-06-03Y-Games 2018 (CS:GO)!$373.39€320.001st
   2017-10-15MSR 2017 (CS:GO) $70.93€60.003rd
3rd1,400 Kč$63.752017-09-03Quietus Day 2017    
2nd4,000 Kč$174.952017-07-02Hitpoint Masters Finals 12    
1st2,000 Kč$81.202017-04-30Tiger Masters Season 3 - Qualification #1    
5th-8th-$85.002017-04-24ESEA EU CS:GO Main Season 24    
2nd€80.00$86.922017-04-23Y-Games 2017 (CS:GO)    
   2017-02-19UniCon 2017 (CS:GO) $53.12€50.003rd
1st5,000 Kč$192.972016-12-18ASUS RoG Finals 11 (CS:GO)    
1st3,000 Kč$117.632016-11-27CS:GO Battlegrounds    
WIN-$100.002016-11-21Gauntlet: Fight for the Crown #37    
   2016-11-08SKYLLA - Oktober 2016 $50.00-3rd-4th
2nd1,500 Kč$61.842016-11-05MČR 2016 (CS:GO)!$61.841,500 Kč3rd-4th
WIN-$100.002016-11-01Gauntlet: Fight for the Crown #29    
WIN-$100.002016-10-19Gauntlet: Fight for the Crown #25    
1st2,000 Kč$81.222016-10-16PLAYzone League II CS:GO LAN Finals    
WIN-$40.002016-09-16Gauntlet: Fight for the Crown #10    
1st-$300.002016-07-31SKYLLA - July 2016    
2nd3,000 Kč$122.052016-06-26ASUS RoG Finals 10 (CS:GO)    
3rd800 Kč$33.242016-05-21PLAYzone League I    
2nd3,000 Kč$126.982016-05-01TIGER MASTERS Mid-season Finals (CS:GO)    
1st£25.00$36.172016-02-09Gfinity CS:GO Premium Cup - 9th February    
2nd£10.00$14.582016-02-04Gfinity CS:GO Free to Play Cup - 4th February    
1st-$300.002016-01-26D!ngIT $2000 Weekly Cup #35    
1st£25.00$35.412016-01-19Gfinity CS:GO Premium Cup - 19th January    
2nd£10.00$14.432016-01-12Gfinity CS:GO Premium Cup - 12th January    
4th500 Kč$20.102015-12-20ASUS FINALS 9 (CS:GO)    
2nd-$200.002015-12-03ESL Major League Winter Playoffs 2015    
1st-$300.002015-11-10D!ngIT $2000 Weekly Cup #25    
2nd4,000 Kč$158.882015-11-07MČR 2015 (CS:GO)    
LOSE3,000 Kč$117.002015-09-13ROG Extreme Gaming #2    
2nd4,000 Kč$162.402015-07-26LanCraft 2015 (CS:GO)    
2nd-$170.002015-07-19ESEA EU CS:GO IM Season 19    
1st2,000 Kč$81.802015-07-05ASUS FINALS 8 (CS:GO)    
1st€100.00$136.442014-02-10Go4CS:GO December 2013 Monthly Finals    
1st€20.00$27.352013-12-22Go4CS:GO EU #75    
1st€20.00$26.562013-08-04Go4CS:GO EU #55    
1st€60.00$74.172012-06-02BenQ LanCraft    
1st€84.00$113.572011-11-13MSR 2011