Name:Keith Garmond
Country: United States

Gnes vs Axe

Earnings & Results Compared

30Tournaments Ranked148
$14,709.70Prize Money Earned$84,553.33

Prize Difference
»»»»»»»»»» $69,843.63


Placements In Same Tournament
0/178 (0.00%)

Name:Jeffrey Williamson
Country: United States

   2024-08-11Supernova 2024 (SSBM Singles) $45.25-9th-12th
   2024-06-16Tipped Off 15: Connected $192.38-7th-8th
   2024-05-28SoCal Star League #3: Division 1 $100.00-3rd-4th
   2024-05-12Low Tide City 2024 (SSBM Singles) $414.00-3rd
   2024-02-18GENESIS X (SSBM Singles) $231.60-9th-12th
   2023-10-31The Coinbox 82: Melee $150.00-5th-6th
   2023-08-27Shine 2023 (SSBM) $512.25-5th-6th
   2023-07-09LACS 5 $625.00-13th-16th
   2023-04-07DreamHack San Diego 2023 (SSB Melee Singles) $1,250.00-2nd
   2023-04-04The Coinbox 56: Melee $75.00-7th-8th
   2023-04-02Major Upset: Melee $100.00-7th-8th
   2023-01-23GENESIS 9 (SSBM Singles) $93.83-13th-16th
   2022-11-06Smash Summit 14 (Singles) $1,593.00-7th-8th
   2022-10-23Ludwig Smash Invitational $1,050.00-9th-12th
   2022-08-26Shine 2022: Melee $498.75-4th
   2022-08-14Super Smash Con 2022 (SSBM Singles) $213.90-5th-6th
   2022-07-16The Off-Season $3,000.00-3rd
   2021-12-20Smash World Tour 2021 Championship (Melee) $500.00-25th-32nd
   2021-07-18Smash Summit 11 (Singles) $4,670.07-7th-8th
   2020-12-20Ludwig Ahgren Championship Series 3 $1,750.07-4th
   2020-11-22Smash Summit 10 Online (Singles) $191.89-13th-16th
   2020-11-22Smash Summit 10 Online (Smurf Bracket) $800.00-1st
   2020-09-19Frame Perfect Series 2: ONLINE (SSBM) $69.00-5th-6th
   2020-07-26Ludwig Ahgren Championship Series 2 $625.03-9th-12th
   2020-02-16Smash Summit 9 $4,161.68-5th-6th
   2019-10-20EGLX 2019: Rising Stars (SSBM Doubles) $95.22C$125.002nd
2nd-$20.002019-10-18Playing with Fire 15 (Doubles)    
   2019-08-11Super Smash Con 2019 (SSBM Doubles) $165.00-4th
2nd-$18.752019-08-09Playing with Fire 11 (Doubles)    
2nd-$20.002019-07-26Playing with Fire 10 (Doubles)    
3rd-$12.002019-06-28Playing with Fire 9 (Doubles)    
   2019-06-16Smash Summit 8 (Singles) $10,580.50-1st
   2019-05-19Get On My Level 2019 (SSBM Doubles) $111.40C$150.002nd
   2019-05-19Get On My Level 2019 (SSBM Singles) $935.74C$1,260.002nd
2nd-$17.502019-05-18Playing with Fire 6 (Doubles)    
   2019-04-21Pound 2019: Melee (Singles) $134.70-7th-8th
1st-$45.002019-03-23Playing with Fire 2 (Doubles)    
   2019-02-03GENESIS 6: Melee $2,226.00-2nd
   2018-11-18Smash Summit 7 (Singles) $2,552.00-5th-6th
   2018-10-07The Big House 8 (SSBM Singles) $309.60-7th-8th
   2018-05-20GOML 2018: Melee Doubles $76.87-4th
   2018-05-20GOML 2018: Melee Singles $487.87-3rd
   2018-05-06Smash Summit 6 (Singles) $440.20-9th-12th
   2018-04-21Flatiron 3 (SSBM Doubles) $86.00-2nd
   2018-04-21Flatiron 3 (SSBM Singles) $632.00-2nd
   2018-03-11EGLx 2018: Melee (Doubles) $106.52-3rd
   2018-03-11EGLx 2018: Melee (Singles) $53.07-9th-12th
2nd-$96.802018-02-24No Fun Allowed 2 (SSB Wii U Doubles)    
   2018-02-10Esports Arizona: Talking Stick Resort (Melee Singles) $1,100.00-1st
   2018-01-21GENESIS 5 (SSBM Doubles) $78.75-7th-8th
   2018-01-21GENESIS 5 (SSBM Singles) $245.00-7th-8th
   2017-11-05Smash Summit 5 (Singles) $3,769.11-5th-6th
   2017-11-04Smash Summit 5 (Crews) $0.00-1st
   2017-11-04Smash Summit 5 (Doubles) $937.50-3rd
5th-6th-$57.602017-10-29Clutch City Clash 2 (Wii U Doubles)    
   2017-10-22DreamHack Denver 2017 (SSBM) $1,000.00-3rd
   2017-10-06The Big House 7 (SSBM Crews) $50.00-5th-8th
   2017-10-01GameTyrant Expo 2017 (SSBM Singles) $600.00-9th-12th
   2017-08-13Super Smash Con 2017 (SSBM Doubles) $352.50-3rd
   2017-08-13Super Smash Con 2017 (SSBM Singles) $327.60-5th-6th
   2017-07-23DreamHack Atlanta 2017 (SSBM) $700.00-4th
   2017-07-16FUSE Season 1 Finals $325.00-3rd
   2017-06-18CEO 2017 (SSBM) $379.60-3rd
   2017-06-04Smash 'N' Splash 3 (SSBM Doubles) $269.00-4th
   2017-06-04Smash 'N' Splash 3 (SSBM Singles) $337.00-7th-8th
   2017-04-09Smash Rivalries (Doubles) $125.00-5th-6th
   2017-04-09Smash Rivalries (Singles) $250.00-5th-6th
   2017-04-08Smash Rivalries (Crew Battle) $625.00-WIN
   2017-03-25Full Bloom 3 (SSBM Singles) $252.80-4th
   2017-03-05Smash Summit Spring 2017 (Singles) $2,315.16-5th-6th
3rd-$57.202017-02-11Austin's Really Feeling It #16 (Doubles)    
   2017-01-22Genesis 4 (SSBM Doubles) $266.70-4th
   2017-01-22Genesis 4 (SSBM Singles) $340.80-7th-8th
   2016-12-04UGC Smash Open (SSBM Doubles) $121.60-5th-6th
   2016-12-04UGC Smash Open (SSBM Singles) $89.15-13th-16th
   2016-11-21Rewired 2016 (SSBM Doubles) $252.50-1st
   2016-11-21Rewired 2016 (SSBM Singles) $560.00-2nd
3rd-$51.752016-11-19Battlegrounds 3 (SSB4 Doubles)    
   2016-11-06Smash Summit 3 (SSBM Singles) $972.41-5th-6th
   2016-10-07The Big House 6 (SSBM Crews) $50.00-5th-8th
   2016-08-28Shine 2016 (SSBM Singles) $504.39-5th-6th
   2016-08-27Shine 2016 (SSBM Doubles) $63.00-7th-8th
   2016-08-26Shine 2016 (SSBM Crews) $85.00-2nd
   2016-08-14Super Smash Con 2016 (SSBM Singles) $840.00-4th
7th-8th-$38.502016-08-07Clutch City Clash (SSB4 Doubles)    
   2016-06-26CEO 2016 (SSBM Doubles) $212.00-2nd
   2016-06-26CEO 2016 (SSBM Singles) $101.70-5th-6th
2nd-$75.002016-05-28CATI#3 (Doubles)    
7th-8th-$40.002016-05-28CATI#3 (Singles)    
   2016-05-08DreamHack Austin 2016 (SSBM) $300.00-7th-8th
   2016-05-01EGLX 2016 (SSBM Doubles) $16.74C$21.007th-8th
   2016-05-01EGLX 2016 (SSBM Singles) $180.80C$226.805th-6th
   2016-04-24Smash Summit 2 (SSBM Singles) $777.69-7th-8th
   2016-04-16Full Bloom 2 (SSBM Doubles) $82.50-3rd
   2016-04-16Full Bloom 2 (SSBM Singles) $590.00-2nd
   2016-04-10Frame One (SSBM Singles) $162.00-3rd
   2016-04-03Pound 2016 (SSBM Character Crews) $25.00-5th-8th
   2016-04-03Pound 2016 (SSBM Doubles) $61.00-5th-6th
   2016-02-27Rubicon 7 $720.00-1st
   2016-01-31PAX South 2016 Arena (SSBM Doubles) $75.00-4th
   2016-01-31PAX South 2016 Arena (SSBM) $350.00-4th
   2016-01-17Genesis 3 (SSBM Doubles) $277.90-4th
   2016-01-17Genesis 3 (SSBM Singles) $1,312.80-4th
   2015-11-28DreamHack Winter 2015 (SSBM Doubles) $2,500.00-1st
   2015-11-22Kickstart 4 (Doubles) $15.04£9.903rd
   2015-11-22Kickstart 4 (Singles) $212.69£140.002nd
   2015-11-15Eclipse (SSBM Doubles) $492.954,280 NOK1st
   2015-11-15Eclipse (SSBM Singles) $1,183.0810,272 NOK3rd
   2015-11-08The Smash Summit (SSBM Challenge Round) $250.00-7th
   2015-11-08The Smash Summit (SSBM Singles) $987.87-7th-8th
   2015-10-18MLG World Finals 2015 (SSBM) $1,200.00-3rd
   2015-09-06Paragon Los Angeles 2015 (SSBM) $373.50-5th-6th
   2015-08-09Super Smash Con (SSBM Singles) $2,070.90-3rd
   2015-08-02Low Tier City 3 (Project M Doubles) $180.00-2nd
   2015-08-02Low Tier City 3 (Project M Singles) $578.75-3rd
   2015-08-02Low Tier City 3 (SSBM Singles) $473.75-3rd
   2015-07-19Evo 2015 (SSBM) $186.90-7th-8th
   2015-05-31Dismantle (SSBM Doubles) $184.80-1st
   2015-05-31Dismantle (SSBM Singles) $282.00-2nd
   2015-05-11Press Start LAN 2015 (SSBM singles) $750.00-3rd
   2015-04-19MVG Sandstorm (SSBM Doubles) $12.25-4th
   2015-04-19MVG Sandstorm (SSBM Singles) $519.75-3rd
   2015-02-22SHFFL Up and Deal (SSBM Doubles) $0.00-1st
   2015-02-22SHFFL Up and Deal (SSBM Singles) $980.00-1st
   2015-01-18Paragon 2015 (SSBM Singles) $91.00-7th-8th
   2014-12-21Forte 2 (Project M Doubles) $17.25-4th
   2014-12-21Forte 2 (SSBM Doubles) $34.50-4th
   2014-12-21Forte 2 (SSBM Singles) $881.00-2nd
   2014-10-05The Big House 4 (SSBM Doubles) $57.00-5th-6th
   2014-09-21Tipped Off 10 (SSBM Doubles) $66.00-3rd
   2014-09-21Tipped Off 10 (SSBM Singles) $131.25-5th-6th
   2014-08-03Zenith 2014 (SSBM Doubles) $150.00-2nd
   2014-08-03Zenith 2014 (SSBM Singles) $421.50-4th
   2014-07-13Evo 2014 (SSBM) $194.00-5th-6th
   2014-06-22MLG Anaheim 2014 (SSBM) $1,000.00-5th-6th
   2014-06-08Super SWEET (SSBM Singles) $160.00-4th
   2014-05-10Southwest Revenge Gunsmoke $108.00-1st
   2014-03-02SoCal Regionals 2014 (SSBM) $0.00-4th
   2014-02-22Southwest Justice 2 (PM Doubles) $65.00-1st
   2014-02-22Southwest Justice 2 (PM Singles) $121.00-2nd
   2014-02-22Southwest Justice 2 (SSBM Singles) $231.00-1st
   2013-12-15Kings of Cali 3 (SSBM Doubles) $93.00-3rd
   2013-12-15Kings of Cali 3 (SSBM Singles) $186.00-4th
   2013-11-24Southwestern Justice (PM Singles) $10.40-3rd
   2013-11-24Southwestern Justice (SSBM Doubles) $14.40-2nd
   2013-11-24Southwestern Justice (SSBM Singles) $94.08-1st
   2013-05-31Project AZ Melee $81.00-1st
   2013-04-14Kings of Cali 2 (SSBM Doubles) $32.50-4th
   2013-04-14Kings of Cali 2 (SSBM Singles) $27.00-7th-8th
   2012-11-10Kings of Cali (SSBM Doubles) $5.38-5th-6th
   2012-11-10Kings of Cali (SSBM Singles) $171.00-3rd
   2012-08-12MELEE-FC10R Legacy $172.80-3rd
   2012-03-24Northwest Manifest (doubles) $60.00-2nd
3rd-$76.802012-01-08Apex 2012 (SSBB Doubles)    
2nd-$412.502011-07-17GENESIS 2 (SSBB Doubles)    
4th-$482.002011-07-17GENESIS 2 (SSBB Singles)    
   2011-07-17GENESIS 2 (SSBM Doubles) $40.00-5th-6th
   2011-05-28Zenith 2011 (doubles) $125.00-1st
   2011-05-28Zenith 2011 (singles) $110.40-3rd
7th-8th-$44.002011-02-21Pound V (SSBB singles)    
   2011-02-21Pound V (SSBM singles) $291.60-4th
1st-$137.502011-01-15KTAR 4 (SSBB Doubles)    
2nd-$220.002011-01-15KTAR 4 (SSBB Singles)    
1st-$12,500.002010-11-07MLG Dallas 2010 (SSBB)    
   2010-09-10CGC @ SFSU XXI (singles) $198.00-1st
3rd-$55.802010-08-08Apex 2010 (SSBB Doubles)    
   2010-08-08Apex 2010 (SSBM Doubles) $10.75-7th-8th
   2010-08-08Apex 2010 (SSBM Singles) $132.00-5th-6th
   2010-03-27Nice Shot Hugo (singles) $200.20-2nd
2nd-$48.002009-08-15OH SNAP 5 (SSBB Doubles)    
2nd-$12.002009-06-13Ozzfest 3 (SSBB Brawl+)    
1st-$30.002009-06-13Ozzfest 3 (SSBB Doubles)    
2nd-$36.002009-06-13Ozzfest 3 (SSBB Singles)    
3rd-$28.002009-04-04College Brawl Vol.1 (SSBB Singles)    
1st-$12.502009-03-18Ozzfest 2 (SSBB Doubles)    
3rd-$10.502009-03-18Ozzfest 2 (SSBB Singles)    
1st-$21.002009-02-07Ozzfest 1 (SSBB Doubles)    
2nd-$33.002009-02-07Ozzfest 1 (SSBB Singles)