Name:Justin Lew
ID:Nick Riddle
Country: United States

Nick Riddle vs Kage

Earnings & Results Compared

15Tournaments Ranked68
$4,188.30Prize Money Earned$10,448.16

Prize Difference
»»»»»»»»»» $6,259.86


Placements In Same Tournament
0/83 (0.00%)

Roustane "Kage" Benzeguir
Name:Roustane Benzeguir
Country: Canada

   2018-05-20GOML 2018: Melee Doubles $38.44-5th-6th
   2017-10-06The Big House 7 (SSBM Crews) $50.00-5th-8th
   2017-09-10DreamHack Montreal 2017 (SSBM Doubles) $50.00-3rd
   2017-09-10DreamHack Montreal 2017 (SSBM) $2,000.00-2nd
   2017-07-30GOML 2017 (SSBM Doubles) $44.23C$55.005th-6th
   2017-03-12Super Smash Geek 6 (SSBM Singles) $89.10C$120.001st
   2017-02-12Lan ETS 2017 (SSBM Singles) $217.39C$284.404th
   2017-02-11Lan ETS 2017 (SSBM Doubles) $0.00C$0.002nd
7th-8th-$68.752017-01-07Smash Conference LXIX (SSB4 Singles)    
   2016-10-30Canada Cup 2016 (SSBM Doubles) $28.37C$38.003rd
   2016-10-23Eclipse 2 (SSBM Singles) $360.392,975 NOK5th-6th
   2016-09-11QCM XXIV $179.41C$234.001st
4th-$81.202016-08-27Shine 2016 (SSB Wii U Doubles)    
   2016-08-27Shine 2016 (SSBM Doubles) $63.00-7th-8th
2nd-$25.502016-08-26Shine 2016 (SSB Wii U Crews)    
   2016-08-14DreamHack Montreal 2016 (SSBM) $400.00-3rd
1st-$265.002016-05-22Paradigm Shift (Doubles)    
   2016-04-10Queen City Melee XX $240.00-1st
   2016-03-13Frozen Phoenix (PM Doubles) $18.31C$24.255th-6th
   2016-03-13Frozen Phoenix (SSBM Doubles) $55.11C$73.002nd
   2016-03-13Frozen Phoenix (SSBM Singles) $159.68C$211.503rd
5th-6th-$126.002016-02-28Tampa Never Sleeps 6 (SSB4 Singles)    
   2016-02-24Smash @ Xanadu 2016-02-24 (SSBM) $110.40-1st
   2016-02-06Concordia Monthly #1 Melee $138.70C$190.002nd
   2016-02-06Concordia Monthly #1 Project M $32.85C$45.001st
   2016-01-30AEX 10 (SSBM) $89.00-3rd
   2016-01-16McGill Monthly #4 $233.60C$320.001st
   2015-11-29Smash Intensifies 2 (SSBM Doubles) $93.48C$125.001st
   2015-11-29Smash Intensifies 2 (SSBM Singles) $224.36C$300.002nd
5th-6th-$9.602015-11-21MVG Frame Perfect Series (SSB4 Doubles)    
1st-$1,180.002015-11-21MVG Frame Perfect Series (SSB4 Singles)    
   2015-11-08The Smash Summit (SSBM Challenge Round) $75.00-12th-14th
   2015-11-08The Smash Summit (SSBM Crews) $300.00-1st
   2015-11-08The Smash Summit (SSBM Singles) $329.29-13th-16th
   2015-10-04The Big House 5 (SSBM Crews) $100.00-3rd-4th
   2015-07-04Montreal ComicCup (SSBM) $314.07C$395.002nd
7th-8th-$81.202015-06-28CEO 2015 (SSB4 Singles)    
   2015-05-31Get On My Level 2015 (SSBM Doubles) $120.46C$150.002nd
   2015-05-17Enthusiast Gaming Live (SSBM Doubles) $67.40C$81.002nd
   2015-05-17Enthusiast Gaming Live (SSBM Singles) $99.85C$120.004th
   2015-03-15No Man's LAN 10 (SSBM Doubles) $93.87C$120.001st
   2015-03-14SWEET XIX (SSBM Doubles) $115.00-1st
   2015-03-14SWEET XIX (SSBM Singles) $285.00-3rd
   2015-03-08Lan ETS 2015 (Project M Doubles) $21.29C$27.002nd
   2015-03-08Lan ETS 2015 (Project M Singles) $118.25C$150.003rd
   2015-03-08Lan ETS 2015 (SSBM Doubles) $30.75C$39.001st
   2015-03-08Lan ETS 2015 (SSBM Singles) $118.25C$150.003rd
   2015-02-22McSmashter 4 (Project M Doubles) $75.00C$94.002nd
   2015-02-22McSmashter 4 (Project M Singles) $442.80C$555.003rd
   2015-02-22McSmashter 4 (SSBM Doubles) $82.97C$104.002nd
   2015-02-22McSmashter 4 (SSBM Singles) $334.29C$419.004th
2nd-$506.002015-01-18Paragon 2015 (SSB4)    
2nd-$59.002014-08-30Simply Smashing (PM)    
5th-6th-$40.052014-06-29CEO 2014 (Project M Singles)    
   2014-05-11Get On My Level 2014 (SSBM Doubles) $13.07C$14.255th-6th
4th-$54.002014-04-26Fear The Green Missile (PM Singles)    
   2013-11-17Revival of Melee 6 (SSBM Doubles) $15.50-4th
   2013-10-13The Big House 3 (SSBM Doubles) $48.00-4th
   2012-08-12MELEE-FC10R Legacy $43.20-5th
   2012-07-01IMPULSE (SSBM Doubles) $59.02C$60.002nd
   2012-07-01IMPULSE (SSBM Singles) $15.34C$15.607th-8th
   2012-01-08Apex 2012 (SSBM Doubles) $39.20-5th-6th
   2011-11-20Revival of Melee 4 (SSBM Doubles) $80.00-1st
   2011-11-20Revival of Melee 4 (SSBM Singles) $55.00-5th-6th
   2011-08-21Smash till you Crash 2 (SSBM doubles) $35.33C$35.001st
   2011-08-06MIST (doubles) $159.00-1st
   2011-08-06MIST (singles) $380.00-2nd
   2011-07-17GENESIS 2 (Project M) $132.00-1st
   2011-05-28Zenith 2011 (doubles) $125.00-1st
   2011-05-28Zenith 2011 (singles) $27.60-5th-6th
5th-$500.002010-08-29MLG Raleigh 2010 (SSBB)    
3rd-$1,000.002010-06-06MLG Columbus 2010 (SSBB)    
   2010-01-15No Johns Monthlies 1/15/2011 (doubles) $42.00-1st
   2009-11-22Revival of Melee 2 (SSBM Singles) $238.50-3rd
   2009-06-07TourneyPlay 2 (SSBM singles) $82.00-4th
   2009-03-08Apex 2009 (SSBM Doubles) $52.50-2nd
   2009-03-08Revival of Melee (SSBM Doubles) $72.00-3rd
   2009-03-08Revival of Melee (SSBM Singles) $33.75-5th-6th
1st-$192.002009-02-07PlayNTrade Fort Lauderdale Monthly #2 (SSBB Singles)    
   2008-06-08TGMTSBCO (SSBM Doubles) $26.40-4th
   2007-12-16At Melee's End (SSBM Crews) $14.75C$15.002nd
   2007-12-16At Melee's End (SSBM Doubles) $157.37C$160.001st
   2007-12-16At Melee's End (SSBM Singles) $462.27C$470.001st